January = Friday


Hi friends! Happy Friday!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! New readers, I don’t go to the “whys” of anything on Fridays. On Fridays, I keep it on the surface, and I list three favorite things, songs, products, websites, foods, etc., that make life just a little bit more fun! I strongly encourage you to list your favorite items in my Comments section and please check out previous Friday postings for more fun favorites. Here are today’s favorites:

2020 Mood of the Month Calendar:


The “2020 Mood of the Month” calendar, featuring Reese Witherspoon, put a smile on my face and a chuckle in my throat. A whole bunch of celebrities got in on “the mood of the month” action, and they can be seen in the above article, and also on Twitter. I think that we all can completely relate to the expressions shown on their faces. And I don’t think that it’s acting on anyone’s part. Reality bites in 2020, in many ways. And it certainly shows on people’s faces. Actors are just particularly expressive.

Giovanni Rana Gnocci Skillet Kit – If you think that gnocci is delicious, you will think that this gnocci is ridiculously delicious. I purchased this “easy and quick to put together” kit at Costco, without even getting a sample bite first. I feel like I hit the jackpot. Everyone in my family is in agreement that this might be some of the best gnocci they have ever eaten. Bon Apetit!

Friday Night Lights – This is an older TV series (early 2000s), but if you have never seen it, you must watch it now. My husband, my daughter and I have been hooked for about a month now, watching this TV show series practically every single night. Even my eldest son, whose only been here for the week, is completely hooked with us. The show features a small Texas town, whose whole community identity comes from their high school football team. The show doesn’t sugarcoat what it is like for people’s life experiences in remote, rural towns, with limited opportunities, and Coach Eric Taylor and his wife Tami, remind you that there are good-hearted, “full of integrity and tenacity and dedication” people out there in the world, even when it sometimes seems like these types of people, are few and far between.

Remember, Fridays deserve January’s mood, even in August 2020. Happy weekend, friends!!
