Weed Picker

This must be a very musically inclined day for birthdays. Apparently Don Henley and Selena Gomez share today, as a birthday. What a wonderful day!

My husband and I both have farming in our heritage and in our roots. My husband’s farming inclination comes out, mainly in how lovingly and earnestly he cares for our plants, even all of the ones that I buy on impulse because they are just “so pretty,” or “so cool” or “so weird.” (Ask me about my love affair with my Corpse Flower plant, sometime.) The other day my husband told me that he had planted pepper seeds, and he asked me to please be careful when weeding the back bed, as the peppers were planted back there. My husband had planted the pepper seeds in the way, way back bed, at the very end of our property, in our back yard. I looked at him and I started giggling.

“Are you seriously worried about me weeding?” I asked incredulously.

“Well, every once in a while, I look outside and then I look twice and I rub my eyes, and I go, oh wow, is she actually picking weeds?!” my husband replied.

It’s true. On very, very rare occasions, I feel the inclination to find some instant gratification and while taking the dogs outside, I might pick weeds for maybe seven minutes, tops. So in theory, my husband was right, while the odds aren’t great, it could happen. The warning was well thought out. The problem is though, when I weed, it is never a well-thought out endeavor. Weeding, for me, is more of an impulsive way to deal with my jitteriness or boredom or anxiety, when taking the dogs out. Weeding is never something that I actually plan to do, or even think about doing, while I am doing it. It kind of just happens, like poking at a scab or picking at a blemish. (Despite living with the coronavirus threat for several months now, I still touch my face WAY TOO MUCH.) Even when it is a subconscious impulse, me actually doing some weeding, is such a rare occurrence that I fully expect and plan on us, having some fresh, lovely, organic peppers for our salads, very soon. I do love my husband’s faith in my better inclinations, however. In these times of so much togetherness mixed with a great deal of unknowns and stress, it really is good to focus on the bright sides of our chosen partners in life. (even focusing on the bright sides that remain relatively dim, most of the time)

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