Grumpy Pants

So, I’m not in my happy place. I’ve got my grumpy pants on today. I’ve been described as very easy going, as long as things are going my way. Then, when things get a little rocky, “easy going”, for me, gets tossed right out the window. I’m grumpy because my blood results showed that my COVID antibody test was negative and my cholesterol is a little high. So, that just means that I am headed back to hyper-vigilance in not only my social distancing practices, but also in my dietary habits.

Speaking of pants, I read that workout clothes/active wear apparel sales are surging during this pandemic. Clothing companies everywhere are giving Lululemon a run for their money. That news just adds another patch of grouchiness, to my grumpy pants. I have a closet full of lovely clothes and fabulous shoes and gorgeous handbags and “eye-candy” accessories, that are not really stay-at-home conducive. I don’t own a whole lot of workout clothes. In fact, I own hardly any clothes that fit into that category. I feel dishonest wearing “active wear.” When you are wearing active wear, the assumption is that you are on the verge of working out. Active wear suggests that you just ran into the grocery store for some quinoa and plain almonds, before heading to your daily spin/tai chi/marathon training/fitness boot camp. I’m rarely on the verge of working out. In fact, I’m never on the verge of working out. I do walk daily. I walk daily for several miles and that’s it. Walking is the only exercise which I have consistently done my entire life, and I don’t require any specific uniform to do it. I have been known to walk in a dress and heels, for miles.

So, my little blood test results were my mid-summer’s wake-up call. No more relaxing for me. In fact, I might need to peruse the internet for some workout clothes. I might need to step into reality, that today’s social protocols and my current age range’s vulnerabilities, call for a different uniform that I’m used to wearing. If I want to stay clear of the coronavirus, I’ll need a healthy body with a pristine immune system, to ward it off. Maybe it would be nice to actually feel comfortable, while walking my dogs for miles in my neighborhood tonight. Who knows? But until I make any purchases, my rhinestone flip-flops will have to suffice as my walking shoes. They are a key part of the stubborn side of my persona, and they match my grumpy pants, perfectly!