Hand Held


I love this video. It must have been taken during Australia’s wild fires a few months ago. There is so much comfort in having your hand held. Someone holding your hand is a total energy transfer of love, and strength and stability and comfort. A couple of years ago, I was on a trip with my best friends from college and I ended up with a corneal abrasion on my eye. I was so scared and I was in a lot of pain. One of my dear friends just quietly sat with me, in the car, on the way to the doctor and held my hand. I vaguely remember how scary and painful the eye injury was, but I VIVIDLY remember how comforting it was for my friend, to just confidently, hold my hand. That part, I will never forget.

A while back, I was about to do a reading at my grandmother’s funeral. I was sad, nervous, emotional and anxious. My sister grabbed my hand and held it and squeezed it before I headed up to the pulpit. I’ll never forget that caring moment and how much it conveyed it to me, in just a couple of seconds of human touch. Who knew that there was so much electricity and power and knowledge and wisdom, swirling in our hands?

I suppose healers and massage therapists and wood workers and sculptors understand better than most of us, how to convey the love in our hearts, out into the world, through the use of our hands. These wise people understand that our love doesn’t want to be trapped inside of us all day. Our love gets restless, and it wants to be set free, in order to grow and to expand. What is a more beautiful, tactile way to set free love, than through the tenderness and warmth of holding hands? Is there a more perfect universal communication of our unity and our energetic connection than holding hands?

If there were ever a time that the world needed to be holding hands, it is now. Threaded hands signify our connection, our compassion, and they remind of us of how much power and energy each of us has coursing through our veins. Holding hands transforms that power into love and strength and allows Love to pass, without disruption, through all living things. If we can feel all of that power and vigor, just in our own two hands, imagine that power amplified by millions and millions of hands being held together at one time. That power would be incredible. It would be overwhelmingly amazing.

If ever there was a time in the world, that needed more hand-holding, that time would be now. If you are living with people who you love, take some time to hold their hands today. Think back fondly to your own memories of when the human touch, meant the world to you and let the warmth of that memory melt into your heart. If you are by yourself today, put your hands together in prayer position. Did you ever stop to ponder as to why we put our hands together to pray? Think about it, as you hold your hands together, firmly in front of your heart. Sometimes the vital power of this energy we feel in our hands, is so great that we feel a great deal of heat, or a jolt of electricity, that is almost overwhelming. We hold so much power in our hands. Let’s use that power to hold and to connect and to uplift and to feel. Let’s not turn that power into fists of hate and hurt and violence. Let’s use our hands for what they were really made for, and what nature intended them to do. Hands were made for love, and for connection, and for creation. Even a little koala fellow innately understands this truth about holding hands. Simple nature is so very, very wise.

6 thoughts on “Hand Held”

  1. Hey Kelly,
    I have loved reading your posts. I just recently subscribed to your postings. You really have a way of capturing emotion with words.
    I want to share a relatable story with you. In the last few years, we have moved from Pittsburgh, PA to Florida. My brothers and I now all live in Florida, however, my parents won’t make the move. (UGH!) I am very fortunate that I have been able to go back up to Pittsburgh every 8 to 10 weeks. I visit with my parents, as well as see my friends, which I am so grateful that I am able to do. When I am there many nights I just watch TV with my parents. It is what they do, and I just go along being together with them. This last time when I was there, (about a week or so ago) many scary things were going on in this big crazy world and we heard of protests that were going to be pretty close to where they live. As we were watching tv, my mom reached over and held my hand. I know she was concerned and scared and glad I was there with them. It gave me comfort and made me sad, too. I was glad I was there for her. Fast forward to the day I had to leave to go back to Florida, I didn’t have a lot of time, but I got all ready at my place, drove over to my parents’ house to spend the last bit of time that I had, with them. When I was leaving, my dad asked me if I had to leave already…I said yes, that I had to return my car, and get my tickets, etc. When I was sitting in the car in their driveway, they both came out to see me off. As a usual thing, my parents talk to me when I am in my car, telling me all the parental things parent say, be careful, call when I get to the airport, thanking me for coming, etc. This time, my mom reached out and took my hand and held it for awhile then kissed it. My dad, took my hand, as he never has done, (He’s not a very openly affectionate dad-it’s okay, I know he loves me) and he held my hand and looked into my eyes, with a look, I will not soon forget. It gives me pause, just thinking of it…. Yes, there really is something very special, maybe even holy, to holding hands. While my sons were in Preschool, their teacher (who is the closest person to even being a saint, that I know) used to talk to them about their ‘holy hands’. I believe they are-so many holy things come forth from them, when love is in your heart. ~I hope I did not go on too long. I live with 3 men and sometimes, they just don’t get it. I know that you do, since you put those emotions into words, so eloquently!
    Thank you.

    1. Oh, Joan! I’m in tears! For so many reasons!!! First of all, it is SOOOO good to hear from you! Secondly, your story about your visit with your parents is beautiful!! I agree, hands are HOLY. That is the perfect word! We must only use our hands for holiness. Thank you! I didn’t realize that you are in Florida now. Wow, what a small world!!

      1. Kelly,
        So great to hear back from you.
        We live on the East Coast of Florida. I believe you are on the West Coast-as they say here in Florida (not referring to CA, but the west side of the state-that always catches me off guard). I love your writings.

        1. That is true. I am a Gulf Coaster. Love to you guys and thank you so much for your support!

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