The Wisdom of Charlie

My two youngest children were watching Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, the other night. We’ve all seen this movie several times, but out of inertia and boredom and a little weariness of trying to find something else to do, I plopped down on the couch, to watch the film with them, yet again. This particular scene (shown below) with Jennifer Grey and Charlie Sheen really got to me during this particular viewing. I was honestly riveted, in a self awareness moment. It’s amazing that with any good creative work, whether it be a movie, a book, or a piece of art, you glean something new from it, every time you experience it. I have to admit, it kind of bothered me to realize that I was getting schooled in wisdom, from Charlie Sheen (who in the movie, kind of prophetically plays the younger version of his future self), but truthfully, my experience in life has shown me that our greatest wisdom often comes from the most unlikely of sources. Maybe the Universe designed it that way, so that the lesson would remain fresh in our minds, due to the unusual circumstances and irony of it all. Charlie’s wisdom that he imparts to Jennifer Grey’s character in Ferris Bueller, really applies to how I have been feeling lately. The crazier the world is acting and reacting in relation to all our united upheaval lately, has gotten me more and more into my “control freak” mode. I seem to only feel safe and secure when everyone sees things exactly how I see them. I have wasted too much of my precious time, lately, lamenting and groaning, when others don’t see things and do things “my way.” And who does that really hurt? As Charlie says, the problem is with me.