It is Friday

Hi friends! This was one long week! I didn’t think we’d ever get to Friday. But we made it! Friday is here!! Fridays are casual Fridays here at Adulting – Second Half. On Friday, I list three favorite websites, songs, items, foods, etc. and I strongly encourage my readers to share their favorites in the Comments section. For more favorites, please check out previous Friday listings. Here are my favorites for today:

Chom-Chom – What can I say? Chom-Chom is the bomb-bomb! I love my Chom-Chom. We have two dark fabric couches that my dogs love to rub their backs on. They think that our couches are their own personal back scratchers/dry-you-off-rs (particularly for Ralphie, the ever swimming Labrador) I have never found a better pet hair remover than the simple, yet very effective Chom-Chom. I got mine on Amazon. By the way, isn’t it fun to say Chom-Chom?

Cherries – I bought my first cherries of the season just the other day, and despite buying pounds of them, they are almost already gone. A bowl of cherries in my house is almost as cherished as a bowl of Doritos. I LOVE cherries!!! I know that there is this old wives’ tale that says something about eating too many cherries will hurt your stomach, but that came from the same people who told you that swallowing a cherry pit would result in a tree sprouting in your gut. Ummm-hmmm. Keep eating as many cherries as you want, friends. You can’t get them all year round, unfortunately, so get ’em while they’re hot.

Schwan’s Food Delivery – I guess an upside to this whole corona mess, is that I have tried things that I have never tried before, and this includes Schwan’s food delivery service. I have found their Signature series fish (salmon and mahi-mahi) to be delicious and really nice-sized portions. When I can get my family to eat fish and even ask for more, you know that it is good stuff. The delivery people are very nice and come in that retro 1950s type refrigerated truck and they always wear masks.

Have a great weekend, friends!!! Let’s end with a giggle:

Just gonna put this out there now: nobody wants a 2020 “year in review” post (Betches – Instagram)