Quarantine Quotes

Good morning, friends. Today is grocery shopping day. I am sitting here, sipping my coffee, trying to muster up the courage to go to the grocery store. Just two months ago, that would have been a ridiculous statement. Last night I was making myself giggle looking at the “best quotes from quarantine” on Twitter. Here’s a sampling:

“I better get out of bed, I’m late for the sofa”


” Now I understand why pets try to run out of the house when the door opens.”


Before I was “just sitting on my ass”. Today I’m saving lives.

My son as he’s bringing a basket of laundry to the laundry room: “Mom, you’re going to need to wash this basket of pajamas or I will need to resort to wearing real clothes again.”

I asked my four year old daughter to put pants on. Her response? “There’s no need for pants anymore!”

Six year old son – “I don’t go to regular school anymore. I go to private school.”

Forget the Freshman 15, I just put on the Covid 19

When quarantine is over, let’s not tell some people.

“I feel like we just did this yesterday”…said my youngest child.

“Boy, I sure wished somebody would toilet paper our house!”

My brother asked me what I ate for breakfast and I replied “which one”

You should walk around in your swimsuit instead of your sweats during quarantine, that will keep you out of the kitchen.

Went out to get groceries and also needed to get gas. My dad decided to not get gas on the way home bc we needed to get it later on this week “so we can have something to look forward to”

On that note, I guess that I have something to look forward to with my grocery shopping ahead of me, so I had better go don my gloves and my mask and stand in the first line for possibly some toilet paper and then follow the carefully laid out arrows to scrounge for some meat, produce and a whole lot of snacks to get us through another week. Stay well, friends. Laugh daily.