Everyone, Together

“Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled.” -unknown

My daughter took this picture of the full moon last night. She and my second eldest son were fiddling around with his telescope and her fancy Nikon camera. It was such a beautiful, peaceful night under the glow of this absolutely gorgeous super moon. Everyone around the world witnessed the complete awesomeness of this lovely, beautiful moon last night. At this current time in history, everyone around the world is experiencing pain, loss and fear from the pandemic, but at the same time, everyone around the world was gifted with the beauty and the glow of this gorgeous moon and the gifts that the moon brings to our oceans’ tides and to our shared wonder about the mystery of space. The above mentioned quote bears repeating:

“Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled.” -unknown

What we are going through right now, is undoubtedly awful, but we are in it together. We will overcome this situation, together. We will prevail, together. We will lessen the heavy, burdensome load of each other’s grief, by carrying it together and the overwhelming happiness that we will feel when the trauma of the coronavirus finally passes, will be amplified to an unbelievable, magnificent degree because we will be feeling that staggering happiness, together. Everyone, together.

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