#Everyday Heroes


If you are like me, struggling to find ways to be helpful throughout this crisis, I thought that these were wonderful ideas. So, I copied these peoples’ thoughtfulness and put out a little box of goodies today, by our front door. These pictures were found on Twitter with #ThanksForDelivering trending.

I stopped off at a local Walgreens yesterday to see if they had any toilet paper. They didn’t. Of course. I bought some laundry detergent and I waited patiently behind a blue tape line several feet away from the cashier who now stands several feet away from the counter. The cashier is a woman who has waited on me before, so we got to talking. I asked her if she ever thought that her job would end up being one of the bravest, most stressful, through this whole ordeal. She replied that she hadn’t really thought of it that way, but she was doing okay. She did say that she looked in the mirror every morning, and noticed an exponential quickening of her aging process.

We are blessed by having heroes all around us, through this pandemic. Of course, our doctors, nurses and health practitioners are tireless heroes. Our soldiers, police officers, fire fighters and first responders are amazing heroes. Our political leaders, having to make quick and wide-sweeping decisions, at the blink of an eye, are awe-inspiring heroes. Our teachers, having to change the course of their lessons from “in-person” to on-line, in very short notice, are truly heroes. Our journalists and photojournalists, bravely going out to get the straight stories, on the depressing front lines are heroes. Our grocery store/drug store personnel are incredibly brave and dutiful heroes. And our delivery drivers, probably busier than ever, putting fear to the side, to do their jobs, so that the rest of us can do our duty, to mostly stay at home, are magnificent heroes. We are so blessed to be surrounded by every day angels, who are just people – people, just like you and me. And sadly, it took this awful coronavirus crisis, for us to fully understand and to appreciate this truth. I am so grateful to have my eyes opened to the every day angels, who support my life, in normal times and also, in the hardest times of all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

4 thoughts on “#Everyday Heroes”

  1. Kelly, I am with you on this.
    For decades I’ve always made a point to thank the busboy who refills my water glass or brings another basket of chips. This drives my husband nuts. “You don’t have to thank everyone for doing their job every single time!”
    Yes, I do. Aside from having been raised by civilized parents, I’ve always believed that it’s important to acknowledge people who provide small services that make life more enjoyable. They serve tirelessly; largely unseen by most people. We don’t even notice them until they are absent and we need something.
    So I will continue my practice of gratitude once we are all released from isolation and the world gets back to normal. It’s just the right thing to do.

    1. Absolutely. I remember a college professor of mine, used to loudly proclaim, “People don’t work for money!” We’d all look at him incredulously. He said that after necessities were met, what most people really yearned for was appreciation. How hard is it to say, “Thank you. I appreciate you. You make a difference in my life.”?

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