Capeless Heroes


I don’t have the right words today. I have so many large emotions swirling all around my mind and my body. I tend to lash out angrily when I don’t have my balance. I don’t want to do that on my blog. It isn’t helpful.

Here’s what I’m grateful for today: my faith in an all-powerful, all-wise God/Universe, my family and our health, my friends, being in my comfortable home, the beautiful sunshine, our dedicated health workers and first responders and scientists and business heads and all of the world’s leaders tasked with helping us to find the quickest and safest path out of this mess (I’m hating having to make the “bad guy” decisions like scrapping vacation plans and telling my middle son that he can’t see his girlfriend (of 3+ years), until she is home and quarantined for 14 days. I can’t imagine the stress and pain and uncertainty our leaders are feeling, as they make difficult, overwhelming decisions on a daily basis), music, nature, swinging around in my daughter’s hammock, being able to face-time our eldest son, our dogs, fish and guinea pigs, wild birds, grass, kindness (I read a story about a quarantined single mom and kids in Norway who reached out on social media, and asked strangers to make her kids’ birthdays special, while quarantined, by sending them birthday cards. They have been inundated with greeting cards from all over the world, some of them artistic master pieces!), soap (luckily I’ve always been a soap hoarder, because I love great smelling soap), on-line capabilities for work, school and shopping, delivery people, coffee, learning to appreciate home-cooked family meals again, candles, a less-packed calendar, people keeping their sense of humor during difficult times, watching the wind mildly shake the palms, water, the rough times which I have gone through, before in my life, that have helped me to keep perspective, to be more even-keeled and less anxious now . . . . .

What are you grateful for today? Please tell me in the Comments section. Love, peace, serenity. Good juju. I’m sending it all to you.

4 thoughts on “Capeless Heroes”

  1. Yesterday we had some wild weather here in So Cal. It went from chilly to rainy to hail back to rain and at the end of the afternoon, intense sunshine with a double rainbow. That kind of variation NEVER happens here.

    My husband was home for the day (he’s a construction inspector) and my son was off college, so we decided to work together on a long overdue home improvement project. We’ve been in our home for 20 years, and have despised the poorly designed linen closet doors that line our hallway for the entire time. So yesterday we removed the doors (no easy feat, as there were decades of paint on the hinges) and sanded and patched everything. Today, we paint! And not just a fresh coat of color – when the base paint dries, I’m going to try my hand at stenciling a design on the doors. My hubby chose new handles, so once the project is complete we’ll have an entirely new look.

    I can’t wait for the finished project. I am grateful that instead of sitting around all day listening to morbid COVID-19 reports, we got busy and productive, and feathered our little nest, making it a place we love to come home to.

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