Sing Me A Song

There are wonderful stories emerging from all of this sadness, confusion and unrest:

This article shows the story and the very moving video of the Italian Air Force, flying their fighter jets to Pavorotti’s music, just a few days ago:

This story speaks of Laura Benanti, a Broadway star, asking students to post their high school performances that now have been cancelled, so that she could be a witness and eager audience to their singing and their performances:

Yo-yo Ma offered an online cello performance to honor all of the brave and dedicated and exhausted, healthcare workers, out on the front lines:

Notice that these three wonderful stories, all featured inspirational music. Yesterday, I sat out on our back porch with my youngest son. He introduced me to “lofi” music. I’m an instant fan. I highly recommend giving listening to “lofi” a try, as we weather out these scary times together. Let’s use my Comments section to share other uplifting stories, happening everywhere to keep the light shining on and around, our beautiful, beautiful world. Here’s a good example of lofi music:

Fortune for the Day – “You carry all the ingredients to turn your existence into joy. Mix them, Mix them!” – Hafiz

2 thoughts on “Sing Me A Song”

  1. Ha. “Lofi” sounds like my boyfriend rehearsing. I think I will pass on that genre!
    Music = balm for the soul.
    Here’s a great classical link:

    I’ve now been told to “work from home” for all the jobs. This morning I’ve been cleaning my desk. It’s what I’d do if my desk looked like this at work! Written while “on the clock” hehheh (because I’d be doing that too!)

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