Mama’s Here For You

It’s a very interesting experience, blogging through this global health crisis. I am very attached to my blog. It’s one of my creations. I feel very maternal towards it, and thus, towards you, my readers. How are you doing? How are you coping? What can I do for you? How can I comfort you?

I noticed that I feel a major responsibility with this blog. I want to be a constant in your life. I want you to know that I am here for you, on a daily basis. I will not let this connection go, even as we get more and more isolated, in every other realm of our lives. I never thought that I would say this, but thank goodness for all of our technology, and our various ways which we can communicate (instead of just face-to-face). Thank goodness for all of the entertainment we get from our technical gadgets. Last night, I got into a major laugh-fest reading tweets about Generation X. Supposedly, since we Gen-Xers are used to being ignored and abandoned, we are the ones who are truly most suited for quarantine. Who knew? Laughter is really good medicine. I also got a good laugh out of myself. I wore garden gloves to shop in my grocery store yesterday. And I didn’t avert my eyes to anyone. Thankfully, I’ve never been one to embarrass easily.

I’m not going to pretend. I’m disappointed. I’m scared. I’m overwhelmed. I’m angry. I’m sad. I’m putting on a brave face for my family, which is sometimes a majorly pretend facade for what’s crumbling underneath. Sometimes, the facade doesn’t cover up much of anything and then I feel like a failure as the maternal head of household. Still, perfection is not what is called for, here. Showing up and doing the best that we can is all that we need to do, one day at a time. And that’s what we are all doing. We are doing our best, every day, and that is all that is needed. We will prevail. Stay well, friends and readers. I love you!

2 thoughts on “Mama’s Here For You”

  1. What can I say, you are one of the lights of my morning reads. And I found you on one of those Link-up parties! They work!

    I’m doing OK here in Los Angeles. The freeways have become quieter (great for the commute! Yes, I still am going to day job #1 at the “panty factory”). Armageddon has hit all the grocery stores/ big box retailers (WHY are people loading up on water? Our faucets are still functioning. I kinda understand the TP hoarding, but water? Seriously? Is it because disasters usually involve the infrastructure not working so everyone is conditioned to buy water?) My boyfriend, who works as a produce clerk in a small, privately owned store, reports that daily totals of sales of fruits and veggies have been THREE TIMES the totals before Thanksgiving (his normal busiest time). The first item that he ran out of? Garlic!
    My teaching gig is going to online eLearning after this week’s Spring Break. We’re going to be using Zoom to tele-teach. Gah.

    We’re living in “interesting” times.
    Thanks for being a good e-friend.

    1. Garlic?!? Funny, but doesn’t make everything taste so good?! Thanks for checking in, Anne. Stay well, my friend!

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