Thank You, Health Workers, Thank You

Fortune for the day – “Anticipate the good so you may enjoy it.” – Ethiopian proverb

Sometimes it takes something monumentally jarring, to shake us out of our unconscious fog, our dull routines, our smug righteousness, and our unhealthy patterns. On an individual basis that can mean an accident, a job loss, a health scare, a broken relationship, or a death of a loved one, among other things. There is nothing like a crisis to bring our most important priorities into sharp, clear focus. That is the good that comes out of all crises. We quickly remember what we are most grateful for, when whatever that is, is threatened to be taken from us. I pray that we all now realize that our biggest priorities are not our political leanings, the size of our bank accounts, the championships of our favorite teams, or where we are going on vacation this summer. Our biggest priority, clearly, is our collective health, our common humanity, and how we all respond to this health crisis, together, on a global basis. Without good global health, we cannot live life as we know it. Everything we love about living, the everyday experiences, the daily freedoms and joys, quickly get eroded away, until we are all isolated, alone and afraid to do anything. Does it take something this extreme for us to realize how much of living comfortably and easily, we take for granted?

A lot of people who I know, have been comparing the scenes lately in the grocery stores, in the neighborhoods, and on the news channels, to science fiction movies, where we inhabitants of Earth, have one common enemy, that we must come together, in order to defeat it. I always feel so excited and energized and proud, when all of the actors in these sci-fi movies, from every background, every nation, come together, pool their resources and make mince meat out of the “evil” invaders. I hope beyond hope that we have a glorious, reality-TV moment, in the near future, where we muster all of our greatest strength, and all of our collective brilliance, and all of our deepest compassion, from every corner of this globe, and we put this COVID-19 thing behind us, triumphantly, and unitedly.

Most importantly, I want to say thank you, especially to all of the VERY brave health workers out there, all over the globe. Your bravery and sacrifice and calm countenance, is awe-striking. You are showing all of us what is the very best about our humanity. Thank you for that much-needed reminder. You are true, selfless leaders. Thank you for everything. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

2 thoughts on “Thank You, Health Workers, Thank You”

  1. An additional Thank You to all the nurses and doctors and clinicians who have taken the time to post sound advice on their own social media threads, helping us all to ignore the hype and focus on what we need to do as individuals to stop the spread of the pandemic within our borders. Your calm reasoning keeps us grounded and stable. Blessed be.

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