Chop Wood, Carry Water

Think Smarter (twitter)

We are definitely going through one hell of a collective experience, right now, aren’t we? When the dust settles on all of this, there will be a lot of good that comes out of the experience. There will hopefully be a lot of “growth”, for individuals, for entities and institutions, and for society, as a whole. We will have learned a lot about ourselves and where we can improve, in all areas of our lives, and in our worldly, global, collective lives. Witnessing that growth, will likely give us some satisfaction and with that satisfaction and understanding and wisdom gleaned, the byproduct of happiness, will naturally be felt. Just hang on and stay well, readers and friends. Look for the good that will come out of all this. It is there. The good is always there. And when we notice the good, we feel happy. Naturally.

Fortune for the Day – “Before enlightenment: Chop wood. Carry water. After enlightenment: Chop wood. Carry water.” – Zen saying