I Love Me and Friday

Image result for it's finally friday stay calm

My heavens, it sure is easy to REALLY appreciate Friday, lately, isn’t it?! Sometimes getting to Friday, feels like rock climbing, on a very precarious ledge, with crumbling pebbles of Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday, falling to the ground way below, as we claw our way to the weekend. I hope that this Friday, finds you all well and calm. We’ve made it. We’re here, at the pinnacle of the week – Friday. New readers, Fridays are devoted to the outside pleasures of life, here at Adulting – Second Half. I call it Favorite Things Friday. On Friday, I list three things that have made my life a little snappier, such as songs, beauty products, books, websites, food items, desserts, etc. etc. I strongly encourage you to add your favorites to my Comments section and to check out previous Friday listings for more favorites. We could all use a “pick me up” these days, right? Here are this week’s favorites:

This is my first favorite. What a great, empowering video and song. Demi Lovato knocked it out the park with this one. This is a great one to share with our daughters, granddaughters, nieces, friends, ourselves, and maybe just anyone we know. Be warned, Demi does use profanity, but it definitely drives the point home. Demi is a rock star, in every sense of the word!

AHA Sparkling Water – This is the latest addition to the seltzer scene. No sugar, no calories, but great, interesting flavors, plus an added bonus of some electrolytes and 30 mg of caffeine. My son was complaining to me that there wasn’t enough caffeine in it, so I told him to just hush up and pour himself another can. No calories = no guilt. I feel like a traitor, sharing this favorite, being a loyal fan of Lacroix, but honestly, AHA is a great switch up. I recommend both brands, if you are a seltzer water fan.

Rock Your Hair Hot Curls Thermal Curl Spray – I’ve used hot curlers in my hair since the 1980s. I’m not coordinated enough, nor patient enough, nor skilled enough to use a curling iron/curling brush/flat iron, etc. I don’t feel comfortable wearing my hair entirely straight, but unfortunately, straight and limp, is my thin (and getting thinner) hair’s “go-to position”. Worse yet, my hair shares my totally stubborn streak in its DNA and goes to straight, almost as soon as I remove my curlers. This product is the first product which I have found to give me any kind of hope for keeping my hair’s curl for longer than 10 minutes. Like all hair styling products, a little goes a LONG way.

And finally, the Fortune of the Day: “Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.” – Joseph Campbell

Have a great weekend, friends and readers!! Stay well!!