Soothing Sunday

Fortune for the day -“They live in wisdom who see themselves in all and all in them.” – Bhagavad Gita

Good, beautiful Sunday morning. It’s a lovely day here. The sun is shining, the lake is still, the air is calm. It’s like the day is quietly, patiently inviting us to become part of it. Sundays are soulful here at Adulting – Second Half. Sundays are our poetry workshop days. I share a poem and I ask you to share some of your poems in the Comments section. A few of my braver readers have shared such gorgeous poems in the past. Please share yours, too. In the words of Peter McWilliams:

One of the great joys of life is creativity. Information goes in, get shuffled about, and comes out in new and interesting ways. . . . It doesn’t matter that you don’t know how to do it “perfectly.” . . . Does it give you joy? Does it give you satisfaction? Is it fun? Does it make you feel more in touch with the creative flow of life? . . . . Then do it.

Here’s my poem for today:

The Lake

The lake is like watching a reflection of my emotions,

Sometimes so quietly still, almost to the point of solid nothingness,

Sometimes so turbulent, I dare not venture too far in,

Sometimes a surprising disturbance, the unexpected jumps out,

Creating ripples, not in great haste, to disappear.

The lake appears so very deep, yet it has its shallows.

The lake houses a lot of life in its teeming depths,

It’s not nearly as placid as it seems, underneath it all.

Whether tranquil or churned up, the lake is truly beautiful.

The lake is complicated and simple, all at once.

Being, reflecting, moving, idling, housing, holding, drowning.

Sometimes a sanctuary, sometimes a death trap.

Always there, but never the same.

The lake of my emotions.

4 thoughts on “Soothing Sunday”

  1. Winter Across America ( A True Story)

    In Indiana we have had inches. It has been beautiful.

    In Minnesota, my good friend Gail reminds me it is 52 days until Spring.
    And that she is so over winter.

    In Pennsylvania, my friends Mike and Gail are busy shoveling out their cars.
    Buried bumper deep.

    In Virginia, my buddy Randy is STILL clearing the drive.
    It has been 2 days.

    In New York, my friend Ann (and her daughter) have advised us
    after the snow-plow went through they can’t FIND their little blue sub-compact.

    In Tampa they had a heavy frost…
    My friend Vicki assures me not to worry…they WILL dig out, somehow!

    1. LOL! Having lived “winter” in so many different climates in my life, this is SO true! Love it!

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