Soul Sunday

Fortune for the day -“One who seeks knowledge must desire from a young age to hear the entire truth.” – Plato

Sundays are poetry workshop days, here at Adulting – Second Half. I hope that you are sitting comfortably, maybe even cozily wrapped in a blanket. I hope that you have a delicious, warm cup of tea or coffee, readily available, in order to warm your hands, and your heart. I hope that, in this very moment, you feel surrounded by peace, comfort, acceptance and love. I hope that, right now, in this very place in time, you are in your sacred space.

Here is my poem for today, and as always, please feel the courage, the inclination, the vulnerability and the inspiration, to share your own poems in the Comments section. One day, I hope that this poetry workshop of ours, is “Standing Room Only.” It’s our creative impulses, that come out from within the deepest part of ourselves (without demeaning censure coming from ourselves or from others), that drive this world forward – a beautiful world, which we are all co-creating together. Be free. Be open. Be real. Be alive. Don’t waste another second, in a precious day of your life on anything less than your purest, kindest authenticity. You, and our world, will be uplifted for your effort, and yet also the effortlessness it takes for you to be, your purest, truest self.


If my things were to represent my mind,

My mind would be chaotic, and in disarray.

Jumping from lucky symbols, to memories captured in the form of photographs,

Piles of inspirations, and numbered orderly logs, laid out in disorderly fashion.

Objects that touched my heart, at the very instance that I laid eyes on the piece,

For no particular rhyme or reason, perhaps just deeply primal.

The compilation of it all, makes no sense to the untrained eye.

But to me, it is a beautiful, nonsensical pattern,

A medley, an assortment, that makes perfect sense.

The inner me, coming forth in physical form.

Amusing, interesting, cluttered, muddled, yet clear.

A hodgepodge in harmony.

4 thoughts on “Soul Sunday”

  1. Enter the Carnival.
    Ride all the Rides.
    Don’t hold on to your Tickets.
    Tomorrow they’ll be Useless.

    Taste the Caramel Apples.
    Popcorn, Sno-Cones and Sugar Floss.
    Take Big Bites.
    Let the Grape Syrup Drip Down Your Chin.

    Step Right Up.

    Life is For The LIVING.


    1. I love this poem, Carla. I particularly like the “Tomorrow they’ll be Useless” line. Poignant!

  2. Love you post Carla!
    OH I just adore your post this a.m! I have a “pile” that I adore its contents and its affectionately known as “groot”. lol I didnt know who was until I looked up this mythical “creature”. lololol

    High winds, swirling, clattering around the house

    cozy covers

    warm doggie at my feet

    (we know who, Doggie from a few posts back)

    I dread getting up

    look at the time

    Groot looking at me

    Tea awaits me upstairs

    My dryer broke

    Im wondering whose yard

    my line dried clothes are in

    Is Groot growling at me

    Gusts of winds pound again

    Dogs bark at every sound

    I think of the birthday party last night

    My husband leaving for work 8 hours ago

    Will I ever get my dream job


    Try to stay right here in the now

    under my

    cozy covers

    a warm doggie at my feet!

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