French Fry Friday

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Happy Friday, friends and readers!!! Happy almost weekend! New readers, Fridays are dedicated to frivolity here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, I typically list things that make the Material Girl side of me, sing. I strongly encourage you to list your favorites in the Comments section and please also check out previous Friday posts for more favorites to delight in.

Earlier this year, my husband and I were out to dinner with another couple and I started bragging about the fact that I rarely catch viruses. The minute those words came out of my mouth, I wanted to bite my tongue off. I started crazily knocking on anything, within arm’s length, that even resembled wood. I knew that, in that moment, I had instantly doomed myself. So, of course, the chickens came home to roost, after my trip last weekend. (despite bingeing on zinc lozenges throughout the trip, as if they were Hershey kisses) On Monday, I felt that fun little tickle in my chest that kept insisting on popping out of my mouth, coughing style. I felt the familiar exhaustion that comes at the beginning stages of a cold. So, that’s when I doubled up on Vitamin C, continued with the zinc and also added Umcka ColdCare chewables and Trace Minerals Max Hydrate Immunity effervescent tablets to the mix, and I can tell you this, that virus didn’t stand a chance. It got suffocated under all of my supplemental bombardment. I can’t tell you what worked best out of all of the mix, but all that I can say is that the virus was very short-lived. Bye, Felicia! Don’t let the door hitcha on the way out, dumbass virus.

Today’s favorites (the cold remedies were an extra bonus. You are welcome.):

AKC breed beanies – I was perusing the AKC site, most likely for dog training tips, and of course, I quickly gave up and ended up at the AKC store. (story of my life) There, I found these wonderful beanie hats with embroidered patches that look exactly like our dogs (a yellow Labrador retriever and a tri-color collie). I bought the beanies for our entire family. It’s like we are our dogs’ fan club. (but they already knew that) The beanies are top quality, come in all different colors and the yellow lab patch looks so much like our dog Ralphie, that my family thought that I had the hats custom made.

Anthropologie Block Letter Monogram Necklace – I’m not sure why exactly, but lately I’ve been getting a thrill out of wearing my monogram. It’s like lately, I’ve given myself my own stamp of approval. These necklaces are particularly nice quality and the letters are HUGE. Your friends will not have to put their readers on to see your letter, hanging from your beautiful monogram necklace. Laverne from “Laverne and Shirley” would totally approve. My friends and I were watching the HGTV channel and we noticed that a house searcher had two of these necklaces on (perhaps she and her husband’s initials?), which could be a very nice Valentines idea. Buy yourself two necklaces as a romantic gesture for your husband. Win. Win.

Vivino App – My friend introduced me to this wonderful app. All you have to do is take a picture of the wine label from the bottle of wine that you are considering buying, drinking, giving as a gift, or even chugging. All of the information that you ever wanted to know about that particular wine will pop up, as well as users’ personal ratings. Apparently, the app will start to recognize which wines you seem to favor and suggestions will pop up, catered to your tastes. Cheers!

Fortune for the day: “The more one meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be one’s world and the world at large.” – Confucius

2 thoughts on “French Fry Friday”

  1. French Fry Friday? Hold the door! I had a french fry today! lol

    You might say…..”Yea, like thats hard to believe”. lmao
    But, I never eat french fries. lololol ( i want to but dont)

    OK, thats not spooky enough for you? My husband remarked in disbelief today “I went into the restaurant feeling fine and while in there I got a tickle in my throat” Ohhhhh nooooo.

    We were celebrating filing our taxes today with a fry. lol

    NOw, have I made a believer out of you? lmao Thank you for the bonus remedies which I will def. go look up.

    The initial necklace is very cute. Que eerie music. ……….Prior to the restaurant I was in the $tore and spied, in the childrens section, a little package of doll furniture with a purple sofa. Ever since FRIENDS, I’ve wanted a purple, velvet sofa. Chuckling, I bought the package. lol While sitting in the restaurant, I opened the package, took out the sofa and turned to the little girl at the nearby table. I asked her mom if she could have the rest of the toys while making it clear that I was much too old for the doll. (lol,, but apparently not the sofa)

    The darling sofa reminds me of a necklace that was really made from a plastick doll sofa in a book called “Naughty Secretary Jewelry” which tickled me and in which I own. lol

    Fry? Virus? Necklace? Coincidence or kismet? lol

    Bonus Laverne and Shirley? I own a boo-boo kitty!

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