Empty Bucket

Fortune for the day – “All shall be well. And all shall be well. And all manner of things shall be well.” – Dame Julien of Norwich

Recently I flipped through an interesting book by Dr. Christian Conte. Dr. Conte is a renowned anger management specialist who specializes with working with some of the most violent criminals in our country. He tells a lot of parables in his writing. I like that because they are simple and easy to remember. He tells one story of a teacher, who told her students that she was going to give each of them an empty bucket. She asked her students what they would fill their buckets with. They all shouted out things like food or money or even, (and probably most likely), their cell phones. The students asked the teacher what the right answer was to her question and she replied that there was no right answer. She replied that she had no judgment about what they put into their buckets. She just asked them only to agree with this statement, “Whatever you, in fact, put into your bucket, will be in your bucket. Your bucket will be filled with everything that you put into it. Agree?” The students all agreed with a “duh!” sarcastic expression on their faces. The teacher then said to her students, “Your mind is just like your bucket. Whatever you fill it with, that is what is in your mind. Choose carefully what you fill your minds with.”

Image result for good quotes about choosing your thoughts

6 thoughts on “Empty Bucket”

  1. So true isn’t it? What we keep in our minds really does control and set forth our destiny. We must be aware and choose carefully in order to lead a better life. I know I could benefit if I declutter my mind of a lot of things and like a home it will be so much freer, and healthier.
    I recently read a quote that those who are the happiest are content with the least. I think that’s true and applies to my overly cluttered mind. Thanks for the post!

  2. Its wonderful to see how people progress & change. Take me for example, 6 months ago-go I would of asked to frill my bucket with nice paints, stamps, stencils. But now with growth, frill my bucket with cash please. lol
    Seriously, Im going with Peace, understanding & continued kindness.

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