Welcome to Soul Sunday

Our own little poetry workshop. Our safe space to toy with the words. You show me yours and I’ll show you mine. Today, mine came out to be a little more “prose style” . . . .


I just woke up and Chris is right here.

It’s just that there’s always Chris . . .

Chris is . . . . well, Chris is A LOT . . . .

When Chris comes, everything just seems to revolve around Chris.

“How does this relate to Chris? How does this honor Chris?”

Living your normal life when Chris is around, is almost impossible.

Chris always brings so much drama to everywhere and everyone. Chris is just one who brings out the best and yet also the worst, in everybody.

Chris seems to always bring that BIG load of baggage, every year. Every single year. And it seems, that every year, Chris just stays longer and longer and longer, always extending the stay. Chris is an expensive, messy, emotional, time consuming, exhausting house guest. Chris really should be named Great Expectations. Chris is the “Original GE.” OGE. That’s Chris, for ya.

Yet, everyone loves Chris! Everyone gets so excited for Chris to come every year! Everyone counts down, for the reliable arrival of Chris. And the truth is, I’m right there with them.

Chris is fun! Chris is colorful! Chris is generous! Always full of gifts and surprises! Chris has a way of making life feel just so much more rich and decadent and bright and hopeful! How can you not love Chris? Chris is just so amazing at connecting everyone and reminding everyone of their deepest bonds and fondest memories and greatest hopes and kindest selves. That’s just Chris’ way. And it is special to Chris. Truly, uniquely, special. Chris brings depth to life, in the ways that no one else can.

Maybe we are unfair to Chris. Maybe Chris just wants to be Chris. Chris doesn’t want to let anybody down. Chris just wants to be loved, just like the rest of us. Everybody loves Chris. Everybody hates Chris. But have we really taken time to figure out our own special relationship with Chris? Do we know what Chris means to us? Maybe Chris is different than our projections, or the many movies and books made about Chris, or even different than whatever anybody has told us about Chris or what they think that we should think about Chris. Maybe this year, I’ll spend some private time, some quiet time, just being with Chris, just observing Chris, just letting Chris show me the hidden depths and meaning of our own personal relationship with each other.

Chris is here to stay for a while, like it or not.

I love Chris. I truly do. Sometimes, I hate Chris. In the end, though, I know that there are reasons why Chris is in my life.

I think that I’ll really explore those reasons, this year.

Why not? Oh, wow, here’s Chris now.

I just woke up and Chris is right here.

“Hi Chris, what have you got planned for us today?”

2 thoughts on “Welcome to Soul Sunday”

  1. Cleverly done. Love that ode to Chris.

    But there you go again. I think it and youre saying it.(to a lesser degree)

    I was thinking this year maybe I’ll just observe Chris. Its the logical solution. Afterall, I live in a family who dont observe Chris because at one time in there life, for many years, Chris was used as a weapon. Can you imagine. So Chris really doesnt have any place in their life which breaks my heart. In fact, yes, Im welling up. How can Chris represent so much sadness. They say truth is stranger than fiction.

    But I liked youre Chris version better. Much better. Yours is happy.

  2. Chris can be reinvented, Kit. Chris is very versatile and patient. Chris would never willingly leave anyone out.

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