Time for Roses

“If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves.” – Maria Edgeworth

I read an article recently that suggested that we overestimate what we can do in a year, but underestimate what we can do in a decade. I’ve been milling that idea, around in my head for a while, as we come to the close of another year and also another decade. I am not really sure if I agree with that statement. As a faithful journal/paper calendar keeper, I can assure you that we very often do so much more, in even a day, than we give ourselves credit for doing. Maybe it’s just that we judge a lot of what we do as meaningless or inconsequential. But is that true? It’s all in our perspective, isn’t it? If we were to become physically incapacitated, our daily routine items, the things that we do mindlessly, could all of the sudden become major triumphs and delights. And how many times in just your life, have people who “are just doin’ their jobs” made a noticeable difference in your life? The friendly cashier who cheered you up on a down day, the thoughtful delivery person who helped you carry something heavy into your home, the receptionist at the doctor’s office who was able to find a way to “fit you in” to any already packed schedule, because he or she just sensed that you needed to feel some relief and healing. . . . these people may not have seen any of these actions as particularly important uses of their time or movements towards their life goals, but for you, on that particular day, their doings were difference makers. So, wouldn’t it be a wise use of our talents and gifts and patience and time, to make life a little easier for others? Isn’t that a worthy goal in life? And if we do any reflecting, I imagine that we all do these very acts of kindness, on a daily basis. These are the little things that improve life for everyone. These are the little things that lift the energy of the entire planet. The planet is heavy, but if we all do our part in the lifting, our Earth is so light that we don’t even give the lifting of it, any thought or any merit. Lifting the world’s energy is something that we all do, almost every day of our lives. That is something. In some ways, it is everything.

The older that I get, I find that it is worthwhile to have life goals to pursue, but also every bit as constructive to savor the every moments. It is also vital to accept the surprises as part of “the plan.” Nothing is in vain. There is value to be found in everything, even in “wasted” time.

“Regret for wasted time is more wasted time.” – Mason Cooley

“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince.

2 thoughts on “Time for Roses”

  1. Mm-hmm. Nailed it again, sistah!

    I am a doer, a list-maker, a Capricorn with organizational capacity that boggles the minds of ordinary mortals. I pack more into a day than many people do all week. I drop into bed exhausted most nights, but satisfied that I have checked off most of the boxes on my list.

    Last year I was hospitalized, and the aftermath of that incident was extreme fatigue for a couple of months. Suddenly my lists went out the window, because just getting out of bed and taking a shower became a triumph of will.

    In the past year I’ve battled my way back, and I’m at about 90% of my former capacity. And surprisingly, I’m satisfied with that. I’ve realized that part of being laid low is ACCEPTANCE. Learning to accept that life isn’t always perfect, and that we make our own brand of crazy trying to achieve that goal. So what if my house is a little dusty or you can’t eat a meal off my sterile floors? Who’d want to do that anyway?

    I still have those thoughts, that urge to make everything perfect, but I don’t give in to it nearly as much as I used to. And I think I’m happier now. I know my family is happier now. We’re able to relax and create a bit more joy. As you noted, those are the moments that matter the most.

    1. Thank you, Kelly. Sounds like the healing that you have going on is completely “holistic” and your body slowed you down enough to understand that – here’s to a beautiful, vital and healthy new year!

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