All is Well

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Happy Thanksgiving, my wonderful faithful friends and readers! You are appreciated and loved, more than you could ever understand. Thank you so very much for being part of the moment that I get so excited to experience every single morning. I love sitting down to pour out my heart and my inspirations and my ideas and my silliness and my reflections and my confusions. And you hear me! And you support me! And you nod along with me! And you shake your head at me! What a blessing and a gift that you give to me, by acknowledging my blog. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

This blog is not a chore for me. It is a big part of my heart. It is my blossoming of a part of me that was dormant for so long and is coming into the light, and everyone who has supported this blog has been such a crucial part of that process for me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

You are kind. You are caring. You are interesting and connected to life. I am blessed to have you come into my life. I am blessed to feel a sacred connection to each and every one of you.

Okay enough mushy mush! Go enjoy a wonderful day of family and friends and parades, and dog shows, and feasting (and the wonderful anticipatory smells that come before the feasting) and napping and more feasting! I have overheard it said, at least a dozen times this season, from various people who I have interacted with, that Thanksgiving is their favorite holiday. It IS such a wonderful holiday. Thanksgiving is quiet, peaceful, warm, unassuming, mindful, simple, cozy, comforting, loving, unpretentious, humble, virtuous, awe-striking . . . . what’s not to love about this holiday, and yet Thanksgiving does not beg us to love it or to even acknowledge it. It just soothingly invites us in, with arms wide open. In a world which sometimes seems increasingly faster, noisier, attention grabbing, glitzier, angrier, more isolated and divisive than ever before, Thanksgiving is the reminder that at the core of everything, there is a simple, grateful peace that remains steady. Thanksgiving is a reminder that life is abundant and flowing and pulsing, like a regular, soothing, calming heartbeat, enclosed in a warm, clean, soft blanket of the deep intuitive knowing, that in every moment of stillness, at the quiet center of everyone and everything, All is Well.

4 thoughts on “All is Well”

  1. wORD press/your site wasnt working earlier today and Im pretty sure you did not see my final reply to your reply on the Mitakuye Oyasin, thread. I typed it as I was about to put running shoes on and jet into the shower and dash off into the holiday. Go get a laugh.

    ON reading this thread, you fill my cup with wonderful words.

    ………..and, and, and healing. Case in point, I’ll try to refrain from TMI, but my M.I.L’S hubby left her after 55 years! Freggin’ odd! Although, he didnt have any interest in her he didnt want her to have any contact with her family and when she tried he always found some tirade to go into. He’s been gone, moved, for a few years and while it took a little momentum she now shows an interest to see her family. And my husband and I gleefully oblige. Its wonderful to watch the transformation ……………healing.

    And my husband too. He and mother had come to hate the holidays due to his father. And today, my husband said this was his best Thanksgiving ever. ……………………healing.

    For me, my brother, whom I’ve been estranged from for many years reached out to me. Yes indeed, healing and joyful!

    In fact, your post was the icing on my day. And made me cry in acknowledgement.

    And finally, this day will cost me 70,000 steps. LMAO
    My spanx arent even talking to me anymore.

    1. Kit, I am so happy to hear this! <3 <3 <3 It sounds like you had the beautiful holiday that you deserved!

  2. This is what my dearest girlfriend had to say after I forwarded your post to her. She nurtures everyone. To a fault shes there for anyone who needs her. And then shes forgotten about on Thanksgiving. I felt bad that she was left alone yesterday until i read your post. I knew if anyone could find a blessing it would hopefully be her. And this is her response to your post…………

    “WWWWOOOOOOWWWW I breathed in every word slowly and admired the way the words flowed and the words attached to my soul as if they were were whispered into my ear and inscribed forever upon my heart. I longed for words and thoughts such as these and I could tell a crescendo of peace was coming when reading began to feel divinely inspired and my heart shipped and leaped and didn’t want it to end. To know souls wiser than I and more thankful than I do exist and I can strive to reach that level of gratitude that spilled forth so eloquently in a few paragraphs. I did not think I could find these feelings on this day. I do realize what you have shared and knew I would love was a love song to your soul also.”

    I couldnt agree more with her…………..healing!

    1. Oh Kit! I have tears in my eyes. My words don’t come from me. They come through me, like I am a vessel and I guess the Universe knew who they were meant for . . . . thank you so, so much for sharing. My love to you both~~~~~

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