Lessons from the New Car

Sometimes I think that I read into everything maybe a little too much. I am always looking for the story, the meaning, the lesson, etc. behind everything that happens in life. I preach to myself and to others about letting life just happen, to just experience life, to let it be, etc., but that all is easier said than done. For instance, I got a new car over the weekend and I absolutely love it, but once again, my mind started garnering lessons for me to glean from the experience of driving and taking care of the new car.

I find myself wanting to keep my new car in pristine condition. When I turned in my old car to the dealership, it was clear that a lot of life had happened in that car. It was decidedly NOT in pristine condition. Not even close. But at one time my old car had been new to me and at one time, I had wanted to keep that car in immaculate condition. I had once felt about the old car what I feel about my new car right now.

So here’s where “the lesson” comes in for me. Why do we get so excited about the novel, brand new, untouched things in our lives, but start quickly taking the other things for granted? It’s not just the material things that we do this with, either. We are careful and kind and excited when we start new jobs, or get new pets or start new relationships with people and clubs. We want to be at our best in these new situations, putting our best foot forward, wanting to impress and show our “worthiness”, but after a while, the freshness wears off, and our laser focus stars honing in on all of the negativity and the things that we don’t like. The new situation isn’t “special” anymore and it is just another thing in life that we have to take care of and maintain, often with a tinge of chagrin and agitation and sometimes even, disrespect and carelessness.

I even thought about this concept in the context of my body. At almost 49 years of age, I have had many life cycles in this body. My body has helped me to bring forth four people into this world. It has allowed me to walk miles and miles through places and adventures that have made my life so interesting and expansive. My body has allowed me to share a deep physical and spiritual intimacy with my husband, showing me what true ecstasy is all about. And I have had many cycles of taking good care of my body until I have given way to excesses or laziness, only to get frustrated that my body isn’t allowing me to do what I want to do, or not looking the way that I want it to look, despite my lack of care or concern for it.

So, I have decided that while I am focused on wanting to keep my new car as immaculate as possible, I think that I will extend this spotlight on to other areas of my life that probably could use my attention and my care and my excitement and my gratefulness. I think that I will direct some of this targeted care to things that are perhaps a tad bit more important and likely to stay with me, much longer than my current new car will ever be with me. My overactive mind, always seeking the lesson, might be something that deserves my appreciation right now. My mind is making me see everything in my life, in a whole, new, fresh light – not just the car.