My Gallant Ride

Good-bye my sweet, precious, white pony. Thank you for all of the rides. The wonderful freeing rides, with the wind whipping at my face, my hair flying in all different directions, like flames flickering from my very alive and flowing mind. Thank you for making me feel very vibrant and free, at a time when I was at one of my lowest times – a time when I had been brought down to my knees and was building myself back up from the smoldering ashes of what had once been, my former life. Thank you for helping me to stoke that flicker of rebelliousness, carefree-ness, and vitality into an alive, glowing flame, inside of me again, reminding me that it is actually quite fun and interesting and daring, to be me. You have my gratitude for letting me take my moods out on you. You diffused my anger and frustration, like nothing else could, when I dared you to take whipping turns and change your regular gait to high speeds, in seconds flat. You allowed for my tears, when I took long, solemn rides, to calm my sad heart, when I was feeling down and uneven. Thank you for all of the safe travels on the often untraveled, mysterious roads going to destinations, both unknown and sometimes far away. I will always be grateful for the attention that you helped me to garner, at a time when I was feeling bland and anonymous and small. Thank you for helping me to dare to dream again. Thank you for patiently letting me ride you, slowly and hesitantly, on the bumpy road back to a big part of myself, which is now healthfully growing strong and proud and spirited. I will never forget what you did for me. Safe travels on your next journey, my sweet, little, precious white convertible. You did you job so very well!