
Friends, you’ll have to forgive me, but I have unplugged the thinking, analyzing, story-telling, making sense of things through my perceptions and moods, part of my brain.

I am on a wonderful trip, enjoying family members and exploring new places. I am in “just experience this” mode and it is fabulous. It is such a relaxing, peaceful, full of wonder and delight, state of being. Why can’t I be in this “fully present and happily aware of the moment” state all of the time?? Uh oh. There it is. The critical analyzer in me just got plugged back in. Who did that? Unplugging now. Awww, so much better . . . . . .

Have a Great Day Images

4 thoughts on “Unplugging”

  1. How wonderful for you! Nothing like that breath of fresh air to clear the cobwebs and electrodes out of you head and rest your fingers from the keyboard, to say nothing of resting your eyes before they start looking like ‘You Have Marty Feldman’s Eyes” (like Bette Davis, only a mite scarier). The computer is a life line for me since I have abilities that have dwindled away so going places for a long time is no longer possible. I do sit quiet sometimes. Then Max, blessed lil guy he is, decides the leaf down three and 1/2 blocks from the house must be barked at since the wind moved it 2 inches. I live vicariously through others!

    1. lol thats a great short, thought provoking-awareness piece. I envy your family gathering. Im missing mine more and more. Im on the WEst coast and the rest on the EAst. It happens more and more as time keeps slipping into the future. lol, wasnt that a song from the 70’s? lol

      Love that gif!

      P.s Max sounds really outgoing. lol I should take a que from him too. lol

      1. Steve Miller Band: “Fly Like An Eagle” 1977…aw the days gone by are drifting through my memory…that is another song from the decade before that by Eddy Arnold…”The Days Gone By”… 🙂 have a great Sunday. Max is sending you a smile! 8-D

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