Never Lose Hope

In light of all of the painful world’s events that have occurred in just this short time, I think that this wisdom from the Dalai Lama is so correct:

“There is a saying in Tibetan, ‘Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.’
No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that’s our real disaster.” 
― Dalai Lama XIV

I hope that you have a reflective, restful day off (if you are fortunate enough to have this Labor Day off) and enter into another fall season, refreshed and hopeful. Over the weekend, a dear friend of mine’s son, tragically lost one of his dearest friends. I wrote to him that every friendship that I have ever had, whether long or short, has affected my life and in essence, has become a part of, and helped to form, who I am, at my very core. So, in essence, those friendships will be with me forever. In that same sense, every tragedy and every triumph that we experience in our lifetimes, also becomes a part of who we are and helps to form us, and to grow us, individually and collectively. Thus, nothing is for naught.

2 thoughts on “Never Lose Hope”

  1. Happy Labor Day! For many MANY years, I watched the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon until Jerry Lewis was let go. I also went to the Omaha Zoo until 2011. Now, those are just memories. they are good memories…part of my life, just as all friends and family are. It feels strange, both the Telethon ending and it being the last year my now dearly departed husband went to the Zoo. I am blessed to have friends that I have known for almost 1/2 century that have made me get through the sadness, the anger, the pain and especially, there to make me laugh and laugh AT me. One of them introduced me to your blog and I have since enjoyed every one of them as well as reading other comments. thank you & God Bless Us, everyone!

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