Vibe Tribe

I had a relaxing day hanging out on the dog beach with my husband and the pups, yesterday. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. Ralphie, our Labrador swallowed too much salt water from his enthusiastic “merman” routine in the water, and ended up with the squirts. Josie, our collie, decided that it was hot enough to risk drowning, so she even did a little swimming, in order to cool off, before retreating back to the shore. A young couple decided that their enormous Doberman with the spiked choke collar was well-trained enough to be off-lead, so the said dog decided to “mingle” with every other dog within eyesight, despite his owner’s desperate calls and whistles. Like I said, nothing unusual happened. Here is a sampling of good quotes I found in my readings, and decorative sign sightings this week:

“The mind only has questions. The heart only has answers.” – Cal Garrison

“Your vibe attracts your tribe.”

“If love is anything, it is everything.” – Christopher Poindexter

“Please don’t disturb my peace if you are at war with yourself.” – Think Smarter

“If it doesn’t open, it’s not your door.”

“I stopped having $5 reactions to nickel worthy provocations.”

Enjoy the rest of a beautiful summer weekend!!