One Year Anniversary

Green and Brown Garden

Today is a very special day at Adulting – Second Half. Today is the one year anniversary of this blog. One year ago, I started this blog on a whim (and honestly, probably my way to process some grief). My husband and I had just dropped our eldest son at his first adult apartment, about to embark on his first, real adult job. He was officially off of our payroll, and officially at the beginning of a whole new path for himself, a path in which we would now be mostly bystanders and adoring fans, waving from the sidelines. I realized, particularly in that moment, that I was nearing the end of a major path in my own life. My Adulting – First Half had been on this wide path of child rearing, focused on raising our four children to independence, for a long while now. The path has sometimes been smooth, sometimes rocky, and up and down hills and mountains. The path has been sometimes clear with breath-taking views of gorgeous horizons. The path has sometimes been foggy and the path has even run into some big storms, here and there. Even still, my Adulting – First Half road has been a beautiful, miraculous journey, a path that I have never regretted taking.

My eldest son had reached our united path’s finish line and our three other children, dutifully always following their eldest brother, like “ducks in a row” (as I have always insisted), are nearing that finish line at a clip pace, as well. And therefore, so am I.

I want you to know how grateful I am, to all of you, for your support, your kindness and your validation, as I have dared to take steps into my new path, my Adulting – Second Half path. In some ways, I suspect that this path is a path that will help me to find ways back to parts of myself that I had long forgotten even existed. And that is scary and exciting, all at the same time. The best part of writing this blog, is the realization that as I embark on a new path in life, and probably at lot of little side paths and stop offs along the way, I am not alone. None of us are alone. Thank you for being such a beautiful, comforting reminder of that fact.

With heads held high, and hearts wide open, forward march . . . . . .

7 thoughts on “One Year Anniversary”

  1. Forward march, indeed! Congratulations on accomplishing one year of blogging! I hope it really has led you back to forgotten/neglected parts of yourself.

  2. Hey “Mom” (sorry, I don’t know your name!)

    Congrats on your one year anniversary! This is a significant achievement; one that I’m not sure I would be able to achieve. I have the tendency to start strong and not always make it to the finish line. So kudos to you for going the distance!

    I’ve only discovered you in the last month or so, but so much of what you write about resonates with my life and I am enjoying your blog very much. As a mom, as a barely 50+ woman, as a spirit on a human journey, I appreciate your observations about the nuances of life and look forward to your post in my in-box each morning. Keep up the good work!

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