The Good Guys

Happy Father’s Day!

Here’s to all of the good guys out there and there is a lot more of them out there, then the media wants to portray. Here’s to all of the good guys who are devoted to their families, who love their wives and provide for their kids. Here’s to all of the good guys who make sure that their families are safe, protected and warm. Here’s to all of the good guys who lovingly keep up their homes and always offer a helping hand to their friends and neighbors. Here’s to all of the good guys who serve our communities, our countries, and our God. Here’s to all of the good guys who attend yet another little sluggers game that their child or grandchild is playing in, versus playing another round of golf. Here’s to all of the good guys who have devoted their lives to a bigger cause (their families, their purposeful work, their duties and responsibilities) than just their own personal wants and needs. Here’s to all of the good guys out there! There are a ton of you! I am married to one. We see you all every day. We don’t say thank you. We take you for granted until one jerk messes up and then we lump you in with the “jerks.” But I know that there are a lot more good guys out there than there are jerks. Good guys just quietly, graciously, go about doing their thing – being strong, silent, devoted men without crying out for attention or gratitude. Good guys don’t finish last. Good guys last. Good guys are solid. They last through turmoil, upheaval, all of the highs and lows of life, and they do this all stably, with strong, firm chins and a vision for the future. Here’s to all of the good guys! We see you. We appreciate you and everything that you do for us.

2 thoughts on “The Good Guys”

  1. I like “Good guys don’t finish last. Good guys last.” I’m married to one, too.

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