
I’m headed out early this morning. I am going on a short “getaway.” I was chatting with girlfriends about it, a couple of days ago. I like my destination. I haven’t been there since I was a kid, and I always like to explore new places. However, mostly, I am excited to get out of my element. I’m excited to step out of my own life and to get out of my own routine for a few days. I want to escape for a little bit. “That’s why they are called ‘getaways’,” my wise friend said.

Sometimes I feel guilty about admitting that I want to “get away” from my daily life to other people, and sometimes, I feel guilty admitting that fact, even to myself. It makes it sound like my life is bad and full of drudgery and that just isn’t the truth. All in all, I have a very fine, blessed life. In fact, many times when I am on a getaway, I find myself appreciating my life at home, all of the more. Often times, towards the end of a getaway, I start pining away for home. I see a family laughing together or someone walking their frisky dog and I want to be home with my kids and my pets.

Still, right now, I can’t wait to only have to think about what I am going to eat, at whatever time I want to eat. I like the idea of sleeping in (or not) to whatever time floats my boat, on any particular day. I like the idea of exploring shops, and museums and parks that are unfamiliar and intriguing to me, and not having to try to compromise with a large group of people with diverse interests and moods, as to where to go to next or what to do next. I like the idea of not having to stop whatever I am doing to let the dogs out, once again.

Truth be told, I need this refresher. It is good for me and it is good for my family. Sometimes a getaway is really just about getting-a-way-back-to-yourself. In that way, you have more of yourself to give, when you get back home.

8 thoughts on “Getaway”

  1. Ah! Getaways! The best! I must confess…I live vicariously through this blog as well as the stories of friends on facebook. Believe me, it is all in good faith, as I unable to do them myself and although web sites demand to stop doing it, I still do! It is like reading a book to watching Dora The Explorer & David Attenborough. It’s not a pity party I am giving myself, I am glad that others are having such a good time and able to do what they can to share with others and give them joy. I enjoyed this trip of yours AND managed to dust a few things in the house as well! Finish your special time! 🙂

  2. Oh, how I wish I could have a real getaway. My daughter is autistic, so I’m not able to leave her alone. She’s my heart and my joy, and I’m blessed that she’s high-functioning. She really is a great kid. I’m glad she likes to have me around even at 16 years old, and I enjoy spending time with her. BUT — I’d still like a weekend away just on my own.

    I am lucky to have a sister and some friends who assure me I’m not being selfish for wanting this, and I’m not a bad mother for needing a break from my girl. Also, I’m lucky to have finally found a job, so my time at work gives me a sort of break — still around people but a different focus for me.

    Hope your break is restful and re-creating.

    1. Thank you, Cecille. I wish that I could give my getaway to you. You are NOT selfish, anything but!!!

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