
Just some random, scattered thoughts on a newly minted summer day:

My husband and I talked to our eldest son last night. He was talking about some of the new friends he has made in his new town. He mentioned that the one man is quite chatty. I wondered if that got on my son’s nerves, but he said, “No, not at all. I find it kind of effortless and relaxing, to talk with him. I say one sentence and my friend just starts talking. It’s kind of like listening to a podcast.” We all need those chatty Cathy types when we just don’t feel like talking, don’t we? I thought that the “the podcast” quote was an interesting millennial spin on this type of situation.

Our collie is quite pushy when she wants to be pet. She has a very long, Collie nose and if you quit petting her, she nudges under your arm with her long nose, trying to get you to pet her again. It’s a trait of hers that I find endearing and annoying, in equal parts. There are times I am writing my boopuojqou uajoy qauru (collie nose nudge). She is particularly nosy when I am writing my blog. Dogs can be like little kids, they want your attention the most, when you are completely absorbed in what you are doing. They only want your full-on attention, when they don’t have it.

The other day I decided to just poke my hand into a neighborhood community library (the kind that looks like a little bird mansion) and just pull out any random book and try to read it. I ended up pulling out Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson. Ironically, about a month ago, I was perusing a vintage book store (are all book stores now starting to be considered “vintage”?!? boohoo) with my middle son, and he asked me to buy him a copy of this very same book, as he had heard that it was an excellent, must-read classic. I bought it for him and I didn’t give it much else thought. I had read it years ago. However, I don’t believe in coincidences. (My friend taught me that coincidence is God being anonymous.) When I pulled the book randomly out of the bird mansion, I decided the Universe was making a point here. I was meant to read the book again. Who Moved My Cheese? is a quick, excellent read, with the bottom line of the book being – Expect, Embrace and Move Along with Change. Change has been a pretty constant theme of my life, especially in the past year or so. I have tried not to resist changes or to be surprised by all of the changes happening in our family’s collective lives, but I could stand to do some self observation, to find areas where I might still be a little “stuck.”

I ordered this really jazzy, glittery, glitzy, girly, rose gold nail polish that is not part of my usual style paradigm. A woman who was waiting on me was wearing it and I just thought, “Wow!” Just, “Wow!” I wonder if I should wait until it arrives, or just do my much-needed toenail polish change now and have the amazing new color to look forward to, the next time that I desperately need a nail polish color change? (which in the summer is much more frequent) Hmmmm.

Okay, friends. I let you inside of my head this morning. Put your random thoughts in the Comments section. Sometimes random, free-form thoughts are the most provoking, intriguing thoughts of the day.

10 thoughts on “Free-form”

  1. Your chatty friend story reminds me of one of my favorite friends I used to run with back in the day when I was in good shape. He was much faster than I was but otherwise, the best training partner ever for the reason you describe so nicely. I would show up on the morning of our long run with a few questions for him. After the niceties of the traditional morning greetings were over, I would ‘pull out’ the first question. 7 miles later, he would be done answering it. 🙂 Then I would pull out the next one… you get the idea. The talking slowed him down just a bit and his stories were so entertaining that I wanted to keep up with him so I could hear every detail – but I never had to do any talking. Just like a podcast!
    Another millennial spin along the same lines – if my daughter is on a roll and talks on a topic for a bit without letting anyone else chime in, she will end her ‘session’ by thanking everyone for listening to her Ted Talk 🙂

  2. I’m a 76 year old widow. I have been introspective since I was a little girl (not that I knew what introspective meant way back then.) I am fascinated by “what makes people tick”……especially myself.

    “Why did I do that?” “Why did I think that?” “Why did I feel that?”

    That said, I was nearly as puzzled as was my adult daughter when I bought a small used motorhome. “Mom, why did you buy that?” ” ’cause I wanted to.”

    In the wee hours of this morning, I figured out WHY I wanted to. I am a bit agoraphobic……..I resist leaving my home, my sanctuary. And yet, I really don’t want to be a complete hermit. Interesting word, “hermit”………think of the hermit crab……..gets to take his home with him. My little motorhome is my lovely little sea shell that I can live in whereever I go.

    1. I love that, Karol! And I love that you figured that out! I find that as I get older, I am less likely to wander from my nest, yet I have always been adventurous. That might be the perfect solution! Seems to work for you! 🙂

    2. My husband and I purchased a Motorhome 2 years ago. We travel whenever we can and absolutely love our little sanctuary/home away from home. The biggest attraction for us is that we can take our fur babies with us wherever we go. We live in the Chicago suburbs so we try to escape and travel somewhere warm for a couple of weeks in the winter. This past winter we made our way down to the Florida Keys! The winter before that, Los Angeles. Stopping at all the National Parks we could get to! Enjoy your travels!!

      1. Having the fur babies with us, is definitely peace of mind! We are lucky to have really good pet sitters for now. Thanks for your thoughts, guys!!!

  3. I toast your random thoughts….I akin mine to a pinball machine on steroids…that little ball goes all over the place and doesn’t miss one little bumper. Then gets flipped up once and manages to slide right down the middle. game over. onto ball…oops…random thought.. have a great day!

  4. Rose gold? Sounds pretty! I generally do 2 colours every year. My winter colour is silver, lol, maybe for the Silver Bells, and my summer colour is a pretty pink. I wish I could wear nail colour on my hands but then again I read alot about the positioning of all the polish seeping into the blood stream. But I do keep my toe piggies up. lol

    Who moved my Cheese? I may have to look into that book.

    1. I’m a toe piggie girl, myself. My fingernails get chipped up too easily, plus my fingernails are short and stubby. 🙂

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