Cool Cats

“Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper. ” – Smart Thinking, Twitter

I thought that this was an apropos quote for this time of year, with so many high schoolers and college kids taking their final exams and AP exams. And of course, the Met Gala just happened. No one tries to copy each other at the Met Gala. They totally try to out-do each other, and especially, to out-do their own previous Met Gala red carpet entrances.

Wouldn’t life be so much more interesting if we lived Met Gala lives, versus copy cat lives? When I look around these days, it sometimes feels like we are headed in that direction of unique, enthralling and strange, but in a good way. Instead of being threatened by it, I think that I am going to embrace it. I’m going to think outside of the box, a little bit more.

I’ve mentioned before that I love to check out Nature’s Lovers on Twitter. Today there was a beautiful picture posted of a Eurasian Lynx. I found out that there are actually four different varieties of lynx and 40 different known species of big cats in the world. The Borneo Clouded Leopard is not trying to be a Fishing Cat and the Caracal is not trying to be a Margay. (there, I gave you some interesting things to Google on this fine Tuesday)

I suppose that this post is just serving as a reminder to all of us to “Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.” – Oscar Wilde