You See, I’m Friday

Somebody out there: You can’t make everybody happy. You’re not a taco. (seen on the internet)

Friday: Um, well, actually, yes, I can. You see, I’m Friday. (just the Truth)

Happy Favorite Things Friday! Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, readers!!!! New readers, I don’t look beyond the surface on anything, on Fridays. Fridays, I keep it light and list three favorite products or websites or books or songs, etc. that are currently adding joy to my life. I sure do wish my readers would share their favorites in the Comments section. Hint! Hint! I’m always looking for new delights in my life. Please see previous Friday posts for more favorites. Here we go! Here we go:

Keter Easy Grow Patio Garden Planter – My husband and I both have farming in our blood. However, neither of us have the time or the inclination to do a lot of weeding or hoeing. We keep this attractive, elevated planter on our covered lanai and we grow all different lettuces, some cilantro, celery, strawberries, etc. all in this one container. It makes for delicious, fresh salads, harvested right outside of our door. It’s like an instant farm market where you don’t have to pay or wait in line. This lovely planter even has a built-in water gauge to let you know when there is too much or too little water for your lovely, giving plants. My husband researched and found this one. Great find, honey!

Charmin Toilet Paper with the Scalloped Edges – I didn’t even realize, at first, that my toilet paper had scalloped edges, but now that I do realize that it has scalloped edges, I’ll never go back to straight-edge toilet paper. I’m not sure why this brings me so much pleasure, but it does. I hope the novelty doesn’t wear off. The scalloped edges make the paper tear off so much easier and it looks so cute! As my friend likes to say, it’s the little things that make life so great!

Mids Tomato Sauce – Yes, readers, this is tomato sauce in a jar. Please forgive me for being such a mediocre cook. We have tried a lot of jarred tomato sauces in our years of being a family, and this one has become our holy grail sauce. It tastes amazing and comes in many different varieties. I can’t even be lured away by BOGO sales to buy any other tomato sauce. For all my other mediocre cooks out there, this one is for you!! Mediocre Cooks of the World, Unite!!

Happy Super Bowl Weekend, my friends!! Since the Steelers aren’t in it, I’m watching the Super Bowl for the commercials and Maroon 5!

“Let’s barely watch the Super Bowl together.” – someecards