Slinging Some Slang

Did you know that it is “Cuffing Season”? Do you know what that means? Lately, whenever I am reading periodicals or articles or horoscopes or gossip etc., I have to look terminology up. I’ve always had a pretty good vocabulary, so rarely do I have to go to the Merriam Webster Dictionary site, but more and more often, I end up at the Urban Dictionary site. I feel so relieved to have so many resources available to me, at the click of a button, so I can keep up a “semi-hip” persona.

In case you didn’t already head to the Urban Dictionary, “cuffing season” refers to the phenomenon that points to people who typically like to play the dating field, all of the sudden, would rather be tied down with someone. Apparently, this is mostly due to the cold weather. Cuffing season only occurs during the winter months. I think that it just as well that neither my husband or myself knew anything about cuffing season. Our particular cuffing season is going on for more than 28 years.

“I’m the know-nothing. I’m curious, I try to be entertaining, I try to translate the techno jargon, but in the end I’m the audience’s representative.” – David Pogue

“All slang is metaphor, and all metaphor is poetry.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton