BEE Good This Weekend

“It’s Friday. Any plan of being a productive member of society is officially thrown out the window.” – Unknown

Happy Favorite Things Friday, my dear friends and readers!! New readers, I keep my Friday posts in the mindset of Levity and Frivolity, my two favorite Friday friends. I discuss three favorite items, websites, twitter feeds, books, etc. that just tickle me! I sincerely urge my readers to let Levity and Frivolity guide them to my comments section and to add their favorites so that we have even more offerings to choose from. (ahem, ahem)

Over the holidays, when my husband and I would be talking to our family, friends and business associates, the subject of our eldest son now being self-sufficient and “on his own”, would inevitably come up. My husband and I have noticed a common theme of questioning from everyone, when this topic comes up. It is such a reliable inquiry people have about this subject, that we have made a game out of seeing if anyone won’t ask it. That hasn’t happened so far. The question we consistently get when we mention that our son is now out of the house and self-supporting is, “Wow, so he is completely off of the payroll now, huh? Even his cell phone bill??”

It seems that telephone bills are a nemesis of all parents everywhere since the invention of the telephone happened. I remember getting heart palpitations as a teenager when our family’s long distance telephone bill arrived in the mail. It was the the opposite of what you wanted in communication from a college acceptance committee. You did NOT want that telephone bill envelope to be thick and heavy. Don’t worry readers, nothing regarding telephone bills will EVER make a Favorite Things Friday list. (oh and yes, my son pays for his own cell phone bill) Speaking of the Favorite Things list . . . .

Guerlain’s Aqua Allegoria Herba Fresca perfume– There is a “no horse pucky” story tied to this one. (see previous “no horse pucky” blog posts – they are worth a read) I’ve told you before, that I adore anything that smells fabulous. Sometimes I think that smelling is my favorite sense. Anyway, I own a gazillion perfumes and the smell of this one does not fall into my usual spicy choices, yet I LOVE it! I discovered it in the most unusual way. I was practicing yoga at this lovely studio and I would go the bathroom and they were using this perfume as the bathroom spray there. However, it was an old bottle (I came to find out that the owner of the studio had purchased the half-used bottle, at a garage sale) so you could not read what the name of this fabulously wonderfully smelling stuff was, as much as me and the studio manager with a magnifying glass, tried to make it out. So, thankfully, I am absolutely dogged when I want to know something and with some internet sleuthing, I was miraculously able to figure it out. It is a minty, fresh, unusually clean, enlightening smell. (Fragrantica, btw, is a wonderful website and resource when you are researching fragrances.) I wish I were one of those people with a “signature scent”, but I am far too mercurial and expansive to settle on one or even, six perfumes.

the CREME shop I am GLOWING dewy primer & setting spray– When I was in CVS the other day, desperately waiting for the Minute Clinic doctor to help me to fix my miserable sinus cavities, I was killing time looking at their new display of The Creme Shop make-up. Now, typically I don’t like setting sprays. They make my face break out and they make me look like I accidentally missed my hair and sprayed a bottle of Aqua Net on to my face. Still, I’m a hopeful person, so I purchased this stuff and I love it! It sprays on more like water and it does not make my face feel stiff or sticky. Yet, I do notice that my make-up seems to last longer without having to do touch-ups. Now, they also offer a matte finish, but I choose to stay clear of matte finishes. I find that matte finishes on me, scream, “Hey, hi, look at my wrinkles! Here, I’ve highlighted them for you with my spray.”

Lady Bee Lavender Hand Soap – I feel guilty putting this one on the list because I’m not sure that it is even available anymore. I got mine at T.J. Maxx and I haven’t seen it there in a while and an online search of it was fruitless. Still, if you are dogged like me, go on a hunt for it. It is worth it!! I bought this on a whim one day, because my husband has a thing for bees and honey. Therefore, I try to surround us, with all things “bee.” We have a bee coverlet, I have lots of bee jewelry, and we even go to bee-themed restaurants. Seriously, one time we went to this restaurant in Colorado called The Golden Bee. The waiters threw little sticky bee-themed patches at you that stuck to your clothes, as you were ordering your food. True story and fun! Anyway, this is another concoction that smells too good for words. I keep it in the kitchen, and I have never seen my family wash their hands more. I don’t understand how we get sick, we wash our hands so much. It is incredibly good smelling soap!

Okay, guys, that’s a wrap. Have a fantastic weekend!!!

“I’ve eaten more than enough kale this week to justify destroying my body this weekend.” – someecards