The Eagle Has Landed

We saw this majestic bird in the trees across from the lake in our back yard, a couple of days ago. My son’s girlfriend got him a telescope for Christmas so he was able to get this amazing close-up photograph through the telescope’s lens. The bald eagle sat still and majestic like this for a good 20 minutes. We were in awe of it!

The United States adopted the American Bald Eagle as our national bird on June 20, 1782. Roman legions used the eagle as their symbol, as they saw the eagle as a sign of mighty strength. Supposedly that is what guided our forefathers and “because of its long life, great strength and majestic looks, and also because it was then believed to exist only on this continent,” we made the American Bald Eagle, a symbol of our country. (

There is a legend that Benjamin Franklin wanted the wild turkey to be our national bird, although the History channel refutes that. They say that there is only evidence from 1784, that he wrote his daughter a letter, claiming that the bald eagle was a bird of “bad moral character” due to its propensity to steal other birds’ food. Eagles can fly higher than any other bird, often flying above storms and they have great vision. Overall, the choice of the American Bald Eagle as our national bird, was largely supported and has been ever since.

In the 1940s the American Bald Eagle was in danger of going extinct, but due to conservation acts by the government, by 2007, the species was able to be removed from all endangered lists. Honestly, other than in aviaries, this is the first time I have ever gotten a close-up look of a bald eagle in nature. I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity. This beautiful eagle truly was breathtakingly majestic, stately and stoic.

It struck me that this beautiful animal has no idea what it represents to us. We have seen many beautiful birds in and around our lake and we have often taken their pictures. Still, the level of awe and reverence that my children and I felt when gazing at this bird, was certainly taken to a whole other level, all because of what it symbolizes to our beautiful, beloved country. I’m glad that this bird doesn’t carry around the weight of our expectations. I’m glad that the eagle just “is”. It lives its life as a majestic, gorgeous, flier of the high skies with no knowledge of all of the symbolism pinned to it, that may only serve to weigh him or her down with the heaviness of responsibility. The eagle lives as nature intended it to live, solidly in the moment, with sharp vision to decide what its next move should be.

“The eagle has no fear of adversity. We need to be like the eagle and have the fearless spirit of a conqueror!” -Joyce Meyer

“The Eagle has landed.”- Neil Armstrong

2 thoughts on “The Eagle Has Landed”

  1. They are majestic birds aren’t they? I feel so fortunate to have seen bald eagles in my yard sitting atop the pine trees. You’ve expressed the feeling so well when we are privledged enough to see one in nature up close. I love that quote from Joyce Meyer. Thank you.

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