A Good Day for a Good Day

Merry Christmas Eve, my friends! I recently saw a sign that said, “Today is a good day for a good day!” Sometimes we think we don’t have control of what kind of day that we will have, but honestly, we do have a lot of control of our daily experience. It really does always come down to perspective.

The first year that we moved to Florida from up north, I was in a store, talking to a clerk (story of my life) and I was complaining how weird it was to have a warm Christmas. I was telling the clerk that I was finding it difficult to believe that it was Christmas-time and that I was having a hard time getting into the holiday spirit. Christmases should be cold with a chance of snow is what I was thinking and conveying. I guess that I finally got on her nerves enough, so that she finally retorted, “Hmmm, correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that Jesus was born in a climate a lot more like this, with palm trees, to boot.”

I like it when people wallop me back into the reality of how I’m coming across. I honestly do, especially when I agree with them. I read another really good piece of knowledge on Twitter (FofF) the other day. It went like this: Some people create their own storms and then get upset when it rains.

I think I want to be my own best friend on this lovely Christmas Eve. I don’t want to create unnecessary storms for myself or for others. I want to try to focus on all of the good stuff. My husband and I are so lucky to have all four of our kids home for the holidays this year. I’m having so much fun getting to know our new fluffy puppy. Today really is a good day for a good day! I hope that today’s among the best days that you’ve had, all year long, my friends! Merry Christmas Eve!