Wash All My Cares Away

“Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.” – John Updike

It’s been incredibly rainy here the last couple of days and nights. I expect fish to be flopping in my backyard soon and I am only half-kidding. We have a lake in the back of our house and there have been “fish flopping on the grass” moments in the past. I don’t mind the rain, as long as it comes in small doses.

Rainy days have the tendency to make me draw inward. They help me to stay calm, focused and relaxed. Rainy days make me appreciate the comfort of my home and the warmth of my lights. Rainy mornings make my coffee taste extra good and comforting. Rainy days remind me that outpouring can be so cleansing.

A couple of years ago, I was browsing in a boutique and a song came on over the speakers, that I hadn’t heard in years. I forgot how much I love to sing to this particular song. I love it when that happens! I downloaded it to my playlist the minute I got home and now I listen to it frequently. Do you know what song I am talking about? Drumroll, please . . . . The song is Eddie Rabbitt’s “I Love a Rainy Night.” Here are the first few stanzas:

Well I love a rainy night; I love a rainy night.
I love to hear the thunder;
watch the lightning when it lights up the sky.
You know it makes me feel good.Well, I love a rainy night; it’s such a beautiful sight.
I love to feel the rain on my face;
taste the rain on my lips,
in the moonlight shadows.Showers wash all my cares away;
I wake up to a sunny day,
’cause I love a rainy night.
Yeah, I love a rainy night.
Well, I love a rainy night.
Well, I love a rainy night, ooh, ooh.

Okay, admit it. You didn’t just read the lyrics. You sang them. You couldn’t help yourself. If you are having a rainy moment like I am, let it wash all your cares away. Now go download the song. You know you want to . . . . See you tomorrow for Favorite Things Friday! It is Friday Eve today.