A Little Friday in Your Coffee

“I put a little Friday in your coffee.  You’re welcome!” – as seen on the internet

So, I got a text alert yesterday informing parents and kids at my children’s high school that ordering food through Uber Eats to be delivered to the high school, is not allowed.  There is an 8-year difference between my eldest and youngest child.  It’s amazing the changes in text alerts from the high school that have happened in just those eight years!  I’m pretty sure that we didn’t even get text alerts in the first couple of years that my eldest son was in high school.  We live in a fast-paced, quick-changing world, for sure.

Anyway, it’s FRIDAY!!!  Yeah, baby!! New readers, first of all thank you for coming.  It warms my heart to connect with all of my readers every morning.  I love starting my days thinking of you and being grateful for our connection!  I keep it fun on Friday.  I call Fridays – FTF – Favorite Things Friday.  On Fridays, I list three favorites of mine that I think are wonderful additions to my life and therefore, I recommend them to you.  PLEASE tell us some of your favorites in the comments section.  Fridays usually put all of us in the consuming frame-of-mind!

Just got paid, Friday night
Party huntin’, feelin’ right
Body shakin’, all around (Body shakin’ all around)
No one thinks when I’m gettin’ down  – Johnny Kemp

Here we go:

Tusk Leather Products –  Probably two decades ago, is when I first discovered Tusk leather wallets.  I purchased the most beautiful Tusk checkbook cover I have ever owned or will ever own again.  Tusk leather is so so soft, so well-done and the neatest part of their collection that is that there is usually a special “twist” in their products.  Meaning my gorgeous checkbook cover has a brown alligator look on the outside, but has a vibrant, bright red soft leather interior.  I also have a fabulous lime green zebra print passport cover made by Tusk that has a vivid orange interior and a lush dark purple make-up bag.  I will never give these items up, no matter how tattered they get, that is how much I love them.   Just yum!!

Bar Necklace by My Name Necklace – So when you are at informative, intellectual websites and you see those annoying flashing advertisements on the side of the website, usually flashing products that you have already looked at but passed on, do you wonder to yourself, “Oh, please, who gets sucked into clicking on these ads and buying those things??”  Ummm, me.  I admit it, and now I am recommending one of those products.  As you all know by now, I have four kids.  I purchased this bar necklace that has all four of my children’s names engraved on each side of the bar and I love it!  It’s become one of my favorite pieces of jewelry and I have A LOT of jewelry.  This website has so many variations on engrave-able jewelry and it’s nice quality and won’t break the bank.  Their items would make great gifts for any mothers on your list.

Kenra Blow-Dry Spray – I read about this hair product in an article about the best-selling, most highly rated products on Amazon.  It claimed to cut the time that it takes to blow-dry your hair, in half.  I’m not sure that the time has been cut in half, but it is definitely a shortened amount of time.  The smell of this product is so lovely and I love the effects it has on my hair and my mood and my joints (from not having to hold up my blow dryer for such a long time!).  Try it, you’ll like it.

As always, we end on a serious note on Friday (not!):

“It’s amazing to me how much exercise and extra fries sound alike.” – Penny’s Passion

Happy weekend, my friends!!  Love you!!