What’s On the Inside?

“Do you know what most people wish for when it comes to improving their own life?

More stuff.  Especially abundance.

Because they think having more stuff will contribute to their overall happiness.

But do you know what most people wish for when it comes to the lives of the ones they most love and cherish?

Happiness, peace, creative work, fulfilling relationships.

Because they understand that once these things are in order, stuff, especially abundance will take care of itself.” – Mike Dooley, TUT

I bought a couple of tickets to the Mega Millions lottery yesterday after seeing a news story hyping the fact that it is now around 900 million dollars.  The man at the convenience store who sold me the tickets told me that I came to buy them at the right time.  He said that by today, the lines to buy a ticket would soon be out the door.  “It’ll be like Walmart on Black Friday!” is what he quipped to me.

Years ago, one of our babysitter’s father won several million dollars in the lottery.  I remember him telling me that the best thing that came from winning, was not the early retirement, or the big house, or the many trips to Disney. He said that the best part about winning was the feeling of security that he had gotten. The best part for him was not the material things the lottery winnings provided, but a feeling inside of him that gave him peace.  Lately, I have been seeing a lot of examples of how important it is that the insides of things, structures and people, be solid and clean and pure, in order to keep the outside facade from crumbling.

We had to have a stucco trellis by our front door repaired yesterday.  Despite regular cleaning and pressure washing and a fresh coat of paint, the decay from the inside wood was causing the structure to deteriorate and fall apart.  The structure had to be stripped down.  The old, decayed parts needed to be removed and it had to be rebuilt from the inside out, in order to remain strong to withstand future harsh weather and even to survive the pelting, warm sunshine.  I have to have a procedure on my mouth today.  A crown that I have does not want to stay in place, because the bone underneath the gum is not doing a good job of stabilizing my tooth.  In order for my smile to stay pretty, the inside structure of the tooth and the gum has to be strengthened and evened out.

Iyanla Vanzant wrote, “Until you heal the wounds of your past, you are going to bleed.  You can bandage the bleeding with food, with alcohol, with drugs, with work, with cigarettes, with sex; But eventually, it will ooze through and stain your life.  You must find the strength to open the wounds, Stick your hands inside, pull out the core of the pain that is holding you in your past, the memories and make peace with them.”

It is the strongest people in the world who admit that they need help.  It is the strongest people who are willing to open up and look to see what needs to be repaired on the inside.  It is the strongest people who know that a clean, clear, strong inside is the only thing that will keep the outside structure and facade from eventually crumbling and breaking down.  The insides create and sustain the outsides.

It is possible to feel secure and abundant without winning the lottery.  It is possible to feel miserable and fearful after winning the lottery.  Happiness and peace are inside jobs. Once those radiant feelings are flowing on the inside, the outside can’t help but be a reflection of the beautiful light that is glowing from within.

“If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.” – Eckhart Tolle

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