He Who Works

Please forgive me for a short post today.  I’m very excited to head to my middle son’s college town.  My husband and I are going to be meeting he and his girlfriend and my eldest son and his girlfriend there for lunch.  I haven’t seen any of them for several weeks, so I am giddy.

We bought them all boxes of cookies from a local restaurant who has wonderful food and a fabulous bakery.  This is the kind of restaurant that is always hard to find a parking spot for when you go there to eat.  The cookies are divine!  The bakers there remind me of this St. Francis Assisi quote:

He who works with his hands is a laborer.

He who works with his head and hands is a craftsman.

He who works with his hands, his head and his heart is an artist.

Thank God for our every day artists:  our bakers, our chefs, our hair stylists, our landscapers, etc.  When you put your mind, body and spirit into what you do, you are an artist and there are artists all among us.