The Confession

I have a confession to make today.  It’s about my biggest guilty pleasure these days.  Okay, here goes:  I love to watch TLC’s “90 Day Fiance’ Before the 90 Days” and I love to read the Twitter feed while I’m watching it.

A reader of my blog:  OMG.

Me:  I know.  Ugh.  I’m sorry.  It just feels so good to just get this off of my chest.

Reader:  Wow.

Me:  I know.  It’s not a good look.  It’s really “yuck.” I know.

Reader:  It’s trash TV!!!!  It’s Jerry Springer on steroids!!!!  What are you thinking?!?

Me:  Well, it’s just kind of relaxing.  It’s on Sunday nights.  You know, the end of the weekend is always such a disappointment; such a “m-whah, m-whah.”  It kind of keeps my mind off of Monday.

Reader:  You know, I was starting to give you the benefit of the doubt.  I was starting to think that you were sort of intelligent and that you had some interesting things to say.  Wow.

Me: I know.  I hate that I like it.  It’s an exploitative, sad and pathetic TV show.

Reader: Uh huh!  Yep.

Me:  I think I’m just going to finish out this season and be done with it.

Reader:  And the tweets are so mean!!!

Me:  I know.  I don’t write any of them.  I just read them.  And laugh.  I do laugh.  Ugh.

Reader:  They are mean with those memes!

Me:  You are so right.  I mean, they are funny tweets, but some of them are mean.

Reader:  Uh-huh.  Yep!

Me:  Wait, how do you know what the tweets are like for “90 Day Fiance'”??


2 thoughts on “The Confession”

  1. Ha, ha, ha! Too funny. Kelly, don’t beat yourself up. I watch the same stupid shows, and yes, then feel stupid and embarrassed as a result. It’s the one trash TV guilty pleasure we have. And thank goodness it’s only one show, and we don’t fill our days like that. And somehow reading the twitter feeds to see what others are saying is added guilty pleasure. But at least we put it down after some laughs, and “wows”, and we don’t watch The Kardashian’s! LOL!
    The key is to not take ourselves or anything too seriously.

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