Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog

Earlier this week, I had gone to a beautiful nursery by my house.  I wanted to find some fall weather plants to replace some of my annuals that have gotten quite straggly.  I love nurseries.  It’s like walking along in the Secret Garden with so much to discover.  The vibrant colors, the lovely fragrances, and the plants that are so symmetrical and perfect, it is hard to believe that they are natural, are just some of the treasures to see and experience in a garden.  And of course, there are also the butterflies and the birds and the unusual insects that have smartly decided to call these beautiful sanctuaries their home.

Unfortunately, I made an unplanned kidnapping of one of those critters.  I had put the purchased plants on all of the unoccupied seats of my car, drove them home and deposited them near to the spots that I wanted to plant them in.  I then went to pick up my daughter from school.  She and I were have a lively conversation about the day’s activities, until my daughter started screaming loudly.  In that split second, I wondered if she had seen something that I had not seen and I wondered if we were about to be wrecked.  She excitedly told me that something slimy had just landed on her feet.  She didn’t have to give any more explanation, because a relatively large tree frog started landing just about everywhere in the car, like Spiderman sticking to all surfaces, sideways and upside down.  I quickly pulled the car over and eventually and enthusiastically, we were able to guide our new friend out of the car and on to the grass, luckily with no harm caused to any of us.

I felt really sorry for our little buddy frog friend, though.  I realized that he had just been cast out of the Garden of Eden.  He was definitely not “moving on up” by being deposited in a lackluster clump of grass on the side of the road.  What a bummer day for this little guy!  Hopefully, using his best natural instincts and inner guidance, he will find his way back to his beautiful, heavenly home.  I’m just grateful for another funny story in my life, that has a hopeful ending.