Woop! Woop! Friday!!

RIP – Burt Reynolds   Gosh, lately it feels like RIP has become a feature on my blog.  I am also getting a realization of my own aging, as my kids were like, “Who’s Burt Reynolds?”  I clearly remember the Cosmopolitan spread.  Don’t you?

Here’s the Friday funny – “It’s Friday.  Time to go make stories for Monday.”

Here’s the Favorites Things Friday part (for those of you new to my blog, this is where I feature my consumer side and recommend my favorite purchases, every Friday.  Feel free to check out previous Fridays for recommendations and please feel free to share your own in the Comments section):

Buggins Natural Bug Spray – I love the idea of “all natural” anything, but the old-fashioned, raised on chemicals part of me sometimes is a tad skeptical that “all natural” works just as well.  This stuff does work just as well as any chemical bug spray!  My husband and I discovered this at an outdoor restaurant that also serves food to dogs. They had bottles of this on the tables.  I thought it was a kind, cute touch, but then I fell in love.  I would buy Buggins for the smell alone.  It smells so good!

Oxo Measuring Glass – I always feel a tad ridiculous offering up any cooking or baking recommendations because it feels like I’m Ronald McDonald telling Julia Child how to prepare her bouillabaisse.  That being said, I do make Minute Rice on a frequent basis, and this cup is the best for measuring, because you can’t mess up.  Instead of trying to keep your hand steady and bringing the measuring glass to eye level like you’re in Chemistry class, all you have to do is look down on the glass as you’re filling it with water and the measurement is perfect.  It is a patented glass.  It’s that good, plus it has a good rubber grip handle, so less chance of flour spills that would take hours to clean up.  You’re welcome, Rachel Ray! 😉

Lumify Eye Drops – I have one eye that frequently looks like it has been exposed to a toxic blend of smoke, pollen, and cat hair on a regular basis.  It’s mostly just the one eye.  I must wink a lot.  Anyway, I have tried every eye drop on the market and this stuff is the bomb!  It is a relatively new product from Bausch + Lomb.  They make the promise that it will keep your eyes clear for eight hours and so far, I agree with that statement.   I imagine certain people in California and Colorado are going to be stocking up on this product.  Just saying.

I saw another Friday quote.  It said, “Friday is my second favorite F word.  My first is Food, definitely Food.”  I agree with that statement.  I’m headed to another favorite tonight.  Red Lobster’s Endless Shrimp has started.  I’m with Bubba on this one!  Shrimp tastes great no matter how you prepare it and I’m all in!!!

Have a great weekend!  Thanks for reading.  Readership goes up every day and I thank you for that.  As much as I love writing, it’s nice to know that I’m not just writing to cyber space. 🙂


4 thoughts on “Woop! Woop! Friday!!”

  1. Dear Kelly,

    I am your loyal daily reader. Your blog and readings from the Upper Room start my day ——-and take my heart! I love your varied topics and love your insights and views. You are so gifted! Keep it going! Have a wonderful weekend with your darling family!

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