Boom Shakalaka

It’s Friday!  And even better than that, it’s a Friday before a three-day weekend!  Bonus!!  I bought this little wooden plaque at an arts market a couple of years ago.  It’s darling and colorful.  It says, “get shit done”.  I keep it on my desk as a good reminder and motivator every morning.  On Fridays, I tend to take the plaque a little less seriously.  I add an imaginary “maybe” to the start of it or an imaginary “or not” to the end of it.  It’s a versatile plaque.  One of my favorite things, actually.

This quote cracks me up:  “We experience moments absolutely free from worry.  These brief respites are called panic.” – humorist Cullen Hightower

On to the purpose of this blog.  Favorite Things Friday!!!

Clean & Clear Persa-Gel 10 –  It is not fair to be almost 50 and still be getting the occasional zit.  I buy this stuff in bulk for my teenagers and me.  It is the best individual zit zapper out there, in my opinion.  It dries those nasty little red mounds of pus in a matter of hours.  I’m not sure of its overall capabilities for full-on acne, but when used on an individual blemish, it is spot on!  (on an aside, I looked up synonyms for the word “pimple” and the term “beauty spot” appeared on the list.  Huh??  Now granted, when I was growing up we called brown moles, “beauty marks”, but that makes sense. HA!)

Trigon – This is a phone app/game that has become my new obsession.  This is what I do when I’m not following my above-mentioned plaque’s orders.  I think I’m developing carpal tunnel syndrome from it, but it’s worth it.  Back in college, I loved Tetris like my middle sons love Fortnite.  I skipped classes, dates, meals, potty breaks and showers for Tetris.  If you love those “fitting shapes into other shapes” kinds of games, you’ll love Trigon.  It’s like a Rubik’s cube on steroids; when the Rubik’s cube was turned into a truncated icosahedron.  (look it up, it’s good to learn something new every day, even on Fridays) Anyway, it’s a free game/app; you just have to watch some dumb ads, when you lose.  So, don’t lose.

Starbucks Refreshers (in a can) –  These are for impatient people like me who do not have time to wait around for a barista to concoct my caffeine hit.  You know, I’m busy “getting shit done.”  Actually, I like a lot of Starbucks drinks, but I order these from Amazon when I don’t have time to drive to the six Starbucks stores within a mile of my house.  They are a delicious mix of fruit juice, coconut water and green coffee.  They have less than 100 calories.  They’re just a real nice treat, especially on Friday afternoons!

I’ll end with a Fun Friday quote that I saw on a sign:  “I haven’t been so excited about Friday since last Friday.”