Both Ends

Recently I read a really interesting analogy that made me think.  It talked about the two ends of a shoelace.  When the two ends don’t come together and stay far apart from each other, there is a real element of possible danger, pain and hurt, from the risk of constantly tripping and thus, not getting anywhere.  The two ends can come together in a big, messy, clumsy knot that is really hard to untie and kind of remains stuck.  The best result for the two ends is to come together and create a perfectly blended, beautiful bow.  This is most likely to happen when the two ends of the shoelace remember that they are both part of the same long lace.



2 thoughts on “Both Ends”

    1. Hi, thank you so much for reading my blog. For me, this is an analogy that applies to any relationship, whether it be between two people, two political parties, two countries, the list goes on and on. Sometimes we get so caught up in our ideology being “the right” ideology that we start “dehumanizing” what we consider to be the opposition. In my view, we are all part of the same force that created this beautiful world and Universe, yet in our limited, every day experience, it is so easy to forget that and focus on our differences, instead of what makes us One.

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