Windows of the Soul

Keeping on the theme of sparkles, I love sparkly-eyed people.  They always look like they are in on some fabulous secret.  Sparkly-eyed people have the look like they know about the incredible surprise party that’s about ready to happen and they just can’t wait for the reaction.  My grandmother used to say fondly, “They look like they have the knick in ’em.”  I think she meant that mischievous, fun quality that some people just seem to have in spades.

My favorite picture of our four children is a picture that was taken right after my daughter was born.  My good friend, an excellent photographer agreed to come over to our home to do a photography session when my daughter was only about a week old.  How she ever got four children ages eight and under to come together for photos that will always be my lifetime favorites just proves her talent!  In my favorite picture, my two middle sons have caught each other’s eyes and are looking at each other with naughty little grins and sparkly eyes, as their responsible big brother gazes lovingly at the tiny little baby girl in his arms.   My second son, an instigator and pot-stirrer by nature, looks like he is doing everything he can do to get his little baby brother with the big, giant conscience to let loose, just by the devilish look in his sparkly eyes.  They aren’t kidding when they say that a picture tells a thousand words.

I cut out a picture from a magazine years ago.  In the picture, three lovely elderly women, all decked out in flowery dresses are laughing joyfully at something that tickled all three of them.  They all have sparkly eyes that seem to shine from the picture, even though the picture is worn and old.  Under the picture, is a caption, a quote from Lauren Bacall.  It says, “I think your whole life shows in your face, and you should be proud of that.”  I’m guessing that sparkly-eyed people don’t take their lives too seriously.  I’m also guessing that they have a lot of laugh lines that they haven’t bothered to “fill in” because sparkly eyes emphasized by laugh lines are a beauty and a treasure to behold!