Socially Repulsive

First of all, a huge shout out to my awesome daughter, my dear friend and to Taylor Swift!  The concert could not have been more amazing!!  I’m still in awe thinking about everything and all of the energy that was put into that show.  Taylor Swift is a woman who loves her craft and loves her fans and it shows!!  Lifetime memory!!

On that note, I just read an article that Berkeley University recently came out with a study that found that sleep-deprived people are “socially repulsive.”  That doesn’t bode well for me today.  I will be keeping this blogpost “short and sweet.”

Today is a cleansing day for me in the fact that it is Recycle Day.  I don’t know why, but I get great satisfaction out of getting our three overflowing recycle bins emptied every week.  I think it symbolizes starting fresh, starting anew and it feels really, really good, every week.  I mentioned this to a friend of mine, a few Recycle Days ago and she told me that she feels the exact same way about Recycle Day.  It feels so good to connect that way with someone, to feel understood and related to – not alone.  Taylor Swift talked about that last night.  Taylor loves that she can connect with her fans in the way that they relate to her lyrics and thus understand and relate to her feelings.

Which brings me back to the study on sleep deprivation – apparently, exhausted people are more likely to feel lonely, which makes them send out an alienating vibe to other people.  This unfortunately sets up a self-fulfilling prophecy.  I don’t want to send out the wrong signals.  I just want to get some more sleep or at the very least, some more coffee.  Thanks for reading and I’ll catch you tomorrow so that we can connect in a positive sense. 🙂