Readers are Badass

There was one thing I was really looking forward to getting as I aged. Readers.  I think readers are badass.  I’ve had glasses since the third grade for my nearsightedness and I graduated to contact lenses as quickly as I could get my shaky little fingers still enough to poke them on my eyes (which was about 5th grade).  I only wear my prescribed glasses when I’m up really early or I have pinkeye.  In fact most people who know me, probably don’t know that I have faulty eyes.  However, when it comes to readers I have about 20 pairs.

When I was younger and I saw a woman in readers, I stopped and paid attention. I felt respect.  She meant business.  She had been around the block, seen it all and was taking no prisoners.  Readers represented the confidence that comes with age, wisdom and experience. And they are sexy!  Readers are alluring.  When a woman looks at you with readers on, she has to bow her head and look over them, like she has two sets of eyes on you.  You’re not getting away with anything, when a woman looks at you over the top of her readers.  I imagine most men want to rip those readers right off because they know that behind those readers is a woman who is old enough to know what she wants and she’s not settling.  How attractive is that!?!

I know a lot of people don’t agree with me when it comes to readers and I admit that I hate the idea of actually NEEDING readers. For example, my son made a lucky find of a vintage Gucci watch in a consignment store the other day.  I said, “Honey, it’s an obvious fake.  It says: Made In China.”  He said, “Mom, get your readers, it says: Made in Italy.”  He was right and the watch was real.  Still, at that moment when I shuffled through my purse for my “no apologies, no gullibilities” bright yellow pair of optical awesomeness, I couldn’t wait to put them on.  I felt sexy, secure in myself and ready to take on whatever else the day was going to bring.

6 thoughts on “Readers are Badass”

  1. Kelly, Clearly you have hit a chord with the READERS!

    Young readers: Used them while working to definitely demonstrate my seriousness during meetings and presentations —-especially while pausing, taking them off with a silent, thoughtful silence!

    Middle-aged readers: Buying a many, many pairs at every pharmacy —-planting them everywhere in the house ——and all various levels of strength as my sight needed. (Gathered my 50+ pairs and gave them to a younger person recently)

    Young senior readers: On my face all the time —-trying not to have to go “all” prescription glasses.

    1. Aunt Beth, I remember this awesome tortoiseshell set of preppy looking readers you rocked! You have always been one of my fashion idols. 🙂

  2. Kelly, you crack me up! Thanks for changing my perspective on Readers. As one of the last hold outs, I guess it is finally time to get my first pair!

  3. I loved this post and can relate. I just never thought about readers that way buts it’s true! I wear glasses and I have tried to make a fashion statement with them, but had a lot of misses. With readers it’s choices are endless with little investment and the added bonus of looking over the top to get your point across!

    1. Right!?! Call me crazy, but I’m starting to think about investing in some those little chain, necklacy things to hang my readers around my neck… I’m not sure if that would change the vibe though?!?

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