Gemini Season

Many Geminis have erratic mood swings from one emotional or mental pole to the other. Since they’re used to having that split experience, Gemini might indeed think it’s all just how things are and will work its way out eventually.” (

We are about to enter Gemini season. I know that a few of my readers, like me, enjoy dabbling with the Zodiac. I have Gemini rising, so I think that I understand a little bit, about having this dualistic nature. My own conflicting thoughts about this virus situation and how to respond to it all, sometimes torment me on a daily basis. Or I should say, I let my discordant thoughts and emotions about our ever changing “new normal”, eat at me, probably more than I should. I saw these two quotes on Twitter on the very same today, and both of them “spoke to me.” The quotes:

“I never thought I’d see a time that people were so afraid of dying, they would stop living.” – Matt Couch (Twitter)

“It’s funny, what many call boring and mundane, I call a simple and beautiful life.” – at least somebody (Twitter)

I think that I have to work on making peace with my choices. I need to be okay with what makes me happy, without needing approval from the outside world. I know that I am not alone with this strife. The need for outside approval has been a human struggle for all of history. My friend recently sent a thoughtful piece, to our friend group (the piece that’s been circulating around Facebook) that talks about the fact that everyone is going to handle this “opening back up” differently, and it is all okay. The overriding factor is that we have to be kind to others, understanding that we all have different circumstances, mindsets, experiences and feelings, in regards to this coronavirus. No one should be pressured to feel, or to do, anything that doesn’t resonate with them, personally. The Facebook piece suggests that we should all stay in our own lanes, and try to be less judgmental of others, as we struggle to move through this pandemic together. My personal frustration, one which I grapple with on a daily basis, is the constant, internal changing of the guard of my very own thoughts and feelings about all that is happening. I wish that I felt more sure and certain, about anything and everything. I find my own internal conflict one of the most frustrating aspects about what is going on now. Sometimes I wish I were more daring, carefree and devil-may-care about it all, but then I also hate the idea of playing the “fool.” I realize that I see myself as a more daring person that I really am, and in a way, that disappoints me, yet I also pride myself on my “wisdom.” I imagine that there’s a lesson here, if I can get myself into a calmer state of self-acceptance, in order to let the lesson seep in. So, are any of you out there being all “Gemini” about this pandemic? What has helped you to come to peace with your choices concerning the “re-opening” of the world? I would sincerely like to know. I think that it would be wonderful to come out of this nightmare, feeling more secure in just being myself, than ever before, and not needing anybody and everybody in the world, to validate my choices. And at the same time, I would like to be able to sincerely offer that same level of respect to others, for their rights to be fully comfortable in themselves, without needing my approval. I think I just found the crux of my latest lesson to absorb.

Star Wars

My family, friends and regular readers know that I faithfully read my horoscopes every day. Cue in the prayers for my soul, from my more traditionally religious friends, family, and readers. Cue in the sighs for my naivety, from my more intellectual friends, family, and readers. Cue in prayers and sighs and tongue clucking, from the smartest and most religious among them all. Cue in the eye rolls from my kids. Cue in the cute wink from my patient, amused, “totally gets me” husband.

Okay, now that that’s out of the way, I feel the need to warn you all, that today’s stars forbode angry tempers among all of the signs. There is a Pluto-Mars opposition that only occurs once a year, happening today. According to the stars and the scopes, it is likely to be an edgy, ornery day for all of us. So, my advice is to take a few breaths before you react to anything or anyone. My advice is to respond calmly versus reacting, reaction-ally. My advice for today, is to think before you speak, give others the benefit of the doubt, and protect yourself from undue toxicity.

Now some would argue that this is good advice to heed any day of the week or of the year, for that matter, and I concur. See, my point is proven. Is reading your horoscopes such a bad thing or is it just a reminder, on a daily basis, to be your best self, while also providing an explanation and an excuse, when you are not quite your best self? All bases are covered. You are welcome.

“The only day to watch is Tuesday when Mars squares Pluto, a combustible situation. Friends or team members could be ornery, so sit tight and let this pass.” – My Stars

“Tempers could flare on Tuesday, when warrior Mars forms a combative square (90-degree angle) to controlling, domineering Pluto. Fortunately, this challenging transit only comes around once a year, but when it does, a clash of egos could quickly escalate into an epic showdown. People will be hotheaded and ready to sting, and even the most enlightened among us won’t be able to totally dodge the intensity. If emotions are intensifying, step out for some air instead of getting sucked into the drama. Socially, beware the wolf in sheep’s clothing. That quiet observer could be an undercover competitor with a secret agenda—or not! But since it’s going to be hard to tell near Tuesday, keep your cards closer to your vest. Mars and Pluto are the lusty co-rulers of Scorpio—and in a combustible square, they can stoke passion. Simmering attractions may explode, but they might also get complicated quickly. Rule of thumb? Get a grip before you strip.” – Astrotwins